Hello all,
First time poster here but I've been lurking a while.
I have a question that I was hoping some of the Watchtower historians might be able to answer. If a Witness was willing to read some of the organisation's older publications, what books would you get them to read and how do I get these books?
My family are witnesses and my father is an Elder. I have tried giving my dad 'critical material' before and even some basic popular science books but he refuses to read them. He doesn't actually admit to not being willing to read, but whenever I bring it up he is evasive and claims he doesn't have the time to read them.
Any way, last night we were having a chat and I was surprised to find out that he hadn't actually read any of the organisation's pre-1914 literature about the 1914 prediction. That's the first thing I would do to verify if the organsation predicted 1914 as claims.
It turns out he would be willing and interested to read some of the orgs older publications. I didnt reveal that my intetion was to stumble so I didnt let on that I knew about pyramidolog or 1874 or anything like that because I know he'd put up his defences. So, what older Russell and Rutherford books should I get him to read? I've skimmed through some of them (Proclaimers book, Millions now Living Many Never Die), any suggestions?