Please reccommend older Watchtower publciations for stumbling purposes

by TheStumbler 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStumbler

    Hello all,

    First time poster here but I've been lurking a while.

    I have a question that I was hoping some of the Watchtower historians might be able to answer. If a Witness was willing to read some of the organisation's older publications, what books would you get them to read and how do I get these books?

    My family are witnesses and my father is an Elder. I have tried giving my dad 'critical material' before and even some basic popular science books but he refuses to read them. He doesn't actually admit to not being willing to read, but whenever I bring it up he is evasive and claims he doesn't have the time to read them.

    Any way, last night we were having a chat and I was surprised to find out that he hadn't actually read any of the organisation's pre-1914 literature about the 1914 prediction. That's the first thing I would do to verify if the organsation predicted 1914 as claims.

    It turns out he would be willing and interested to read some of the orgs older publications. I didnt reveal that my intetion was to stumble so I didnt let on that I knew about pyramidolog or 1874 or anything like that because I know he'd put up his defences. So, what older Russell and Rutherford books should I get him to read? I've skimmed through some of them (Proclaimers book, Millions now Living Many Never Die), any suggestions?

  • leavingwt


    This book is something you'll want to get:

    Thus Saith Jehovah's Witnesses

  • TheStumbler

    Thanks, that looks good. I'll pick it up for myself any way but I am not sure if he'll read it because its not an organisation publication. If he gets a sniff that it's 'apostate' we won't go near it.

    I never quite worked out why, but he often accuses me of being the one with out an open mind. I read his books but he won't read mine. frustrating.

  • TheStumbler

    Also, because my Dad is unwilling to read any secular science books I have been writing a critique of Watchtower's blue creation book. . Before giving it to him I was intending to post it on here first to get you lot to give me some constructive criticism - make it really water tight. He has said he would be prepared to read it but that if he perceivesany of it as an 'attack' he'll stop reading it. I've tried to write it as impassionately as possible to avoid this.

    I'll post what I've written so far in the next couple of days.

  • undercover

    If someone can look at this magazine cover, and realizes it's a quarter century later and can admit that that generation is dead and gone and yet still accepts the current teachings of the WTS, including it's new absolutely stupendously ridiculous over-lapping generation explanation, then they're in denial as well as delusional and nothing you can say or show them is going to make a bit of difference.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. You can show JWs evidence but you can't make them think...

  • cabasilas

    Welcome to the Forum!

    If he'll look at PDFs, there a host of items here:

    I'd suggest, for starters, if you want some crazy stuff:

    Volume 3 of Millennial Dawn/Studies in the Scriptures (First edition)

    Or, The Divine Plan of the Ages as Seen in the Great Pyramid

    Or, you could print out this September 1, 1908 WT:

    Have him look at the article "A Father's Letter to His Son" to see what they were expecting for 1914 and thereafter.

    Or, the book "The Way to Paradise"

    that one is helpful to see what they were expecting for 1925.

    Or, the series of articles entitled "The Calendar of Jehovah God" in the Golden Age:

    Gives a whole 'nother perspective on pagan origins.

    Anyway, there's enough to get you started. :) Good luck!

  • TheStumbler

    Thanks Undercover, I kind of tip toed around the new Generations interpretation but he did'nt seem phased about it so I didnt push it.

    I fear you may be right though, he may be beyond reasoning with but yesterday he said something that gave me a glimmer of hope. He said he ever found out what was taught from the podium was incorrec then he'd be the first to leave - his loyalty is to God not a human organisation. How he ever hopes to find out that the organisation is wrong when he automatically dismisses any evidence that suggests that very thing, I'm not quite sure.

    Thank, Cabasilas - that's exactly what I was after. I wanted to give him copies of older publications that would condemn the org by their own words. This looks good. I'll print it out and leave them with him and let him read it at his own pace - I won't push it.

    Hopefully it sparks some kind of critical thought but we'll see.

  • leavingwt
    Thanks, that looks good. I'll pick it up for myself any way but I am not sure if he'll read it because its not an organisation publication. If he gets a sniff that it's 'apostate' we won't go near it.

    Yes, this book will be just for you. It will guide you through dozens of lies/distortions/whitewashing printed in WT publications. Then, you can show him in the actual WT publications.

  • leavingwt

    Also, please review the information, here.

    15-Minute Guide to Truth

    Is it Truth?

  • Sharpie

    Questions questions questions!

    NEVER say the witnesses are wrong, about anything. They will go into instant defense mode.
    You have to make themselfs question the organisation, and let them discover what is happening.

    For starters, ask him what he thinks about the generation, or the rising amount in cup drinkers at the memorial.

    The one statement that makes them think and open their minds is this. Just say "If I follow everything that the Bible students wrote under Russel, I'd be a apostate today" Make him realize that Russel's religion is a completely different religion from Rutherfords.

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