Anything for a buck!
Who knows the "Kinemo Kit Corporation"
by chasson 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
the films show wt was in bed with the world leaders even back then
in the wt they ask for money to help reestablish physical nation of israel
rutherford was pal'n around with sir herbert samuel, britain/leagueofnations appointed jew installed as ruler of physical nation of israel
around the same time rutherford is in prison (plays tennis while there)
the imprisonment was a set up - it was a farce, an act
just like so many things in politics today
wt has been in bed with un/leagueofnations/usuk since the beginning of her foundation
she's a whore - it's not just about "the money" or "for a buck" it's about purposely blaspheming god and misleading religious people
the wt leaders are masons/satanists egyptian esoteric rite
they're sick
can anyone identify these people visiting rutherford at beth-sarim?
Wow, did you watch the pyramid video?
Attention, all JW trolls, lurkers, and site monitors:
THAT is the kind of ludicrous horse puckey that the WTS was at least endorsing if not producing back 100+ years ago, when Jesus supposedly determined that THIS group, out of every organization on earth, was the one that most closely fit his idea of a “faithful and discreet slave”.
Just absolute bat-$hi+ bonkers, then (and now).
hey speaking of bat-$hi+...
massimo introvigne
check out around minutes 13:30 to minute 26
massimo talks about the egyptian esoteric freemasonry link to religion and satanism