Christmas visit from the elders

by MrFreeze 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrFreeze

    Yes the elders made another stop to continue to try to get me back to the meetings. My main argument with them has been the incorrect dates. 607, 1914. They said I need to stop focusing on dates. The important thing is Jesus' ransom. I responded by saying "If I were to go up on the platform and say maybe 1914 wasn't the date of Jesus' return, would that be acceptable for you?" They were very hesitant to respond to this. Apparently they would have a problem with that. I shouldn't focus on dates, but they sure can! Just so long as those dates agree with the WT.

    Another point I brought up was about the millions that would die at Armageddon, having never been given the chance to learn about God. They said "We don't teach that. Jehovah reads hearts." I replied by saying "It's right in the WT." I went to go give them the reference but they didn't want it. Is it really fair that someone should be destroyed because they weren't raised a JW or that the circumstances were never right for them to look into it? How can you possibly eternally punish someone for not taking the JW's seriously? I asked them to put themselves in the shoes of the householder. It's Saturday morning, you get up and make breakfast for your family. You're cooking up some bacon and the JW's knock on your door. By quickly saying "not interested" and shutting the door, you get them off the porch so you can get back to cooking. Is it really fair that he should punished for that? They responded by saying "Jehovah reads hearts." I said "Why preach then? If it's all about heart condition, and not about belonging to Jehovah's Witnesses, why preach?" They replied with the same nonsense they usually do. Blah blah blah.

    Then I asked them a really tough question for them to answer, "If I leave Jehovah's Witnesses because I don't believe some of the major teachings, would you say I have a wicked heart?" Their reply was "We don't judge hearts." "Then how do you know that Jehovah still won't find my heart acceptable, if I disagree with some of the things the GB says?" They had no response. At this point they were pretty quick to say "Well we have to get going." Before that though they said "We should probably have a study with you." My response was "My opinion on this is not going to change, so there is no point."

    During the discussion they were trying to dig into the reasons for me leaving. It couldn't possibly be the teachings! They asked, "Is it a girl? Is it drugs? Is it alcohol?" No on all three, except the third. In that case however, Jehovah's Witnesses have driven me to alcohol. They also used the opportunity to bash on Christmas. Another fun discussion with these "shepherds".

  • EmptyInside

    Well, you certainly are brave by sharing your views with them. I just don't want to talk to any of them.

  • agonus

    You should have given them a stocking full of coal and told them to Scrooge off...

  • MrFreeze

    I would have loved to do that. Haha. I really had no choice but to talk with them. Still living at home. Stepdad opened the door. Ugh. I just wanted to sleep in this morning.

    The comment about being driven to alcohol was something my friend said to me when I told her about the visit. She knows I like to drink just a little too much. It put a smile on my face anyway when she said that.

  • GrandmaJones

    They'll be talking about that! Your elders really have patience. They haven't been willing to let you go, have they? Most would DF you practically on the spot...

    That was a good witness on your part. (lol)

  • MrFreeze

    It doesn't matter though. None of that will get through to them. They certainly don't want to let me go. What can I say, I did a lot at the hall before I left. They don't want to lose that extra hand. I hope the last comment I made about not changing my opinion hit them and will cause them to cease or at least slow down. It's been non-stop.

  • moshe

    Those elders were pretty dumb- or they just acted that way. You made some good points with them.

  • moshe

    double post

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Who can be knocking at my door

    go away don't come around here anymore

    men at work

  • Scott77
    I just don't want to talk to any of them.

    Me too. Its a waste of time. The fact that they spoke to you counts favourably to them as a time and Return Visit. Dubs get mileage from that. Elders, like their Watchtower GB, are aloft. They can only reason with you on their own term. Think about me. While I was still in, elders had to order brs and srs not to speak to me even as I was in field services, and during KH meetings. It was a kind of 'marking' as you know it. Not only that forced to me fade out among the many reasons. In doing so, then they made endless efforts to frustrate my life through endless stalkings, illegal and court unapproved surveilance over the years. They started behaving as if they dearly missed me. What hypocrites they are! Its amazing that I restrained myself all those times. Those people are brain washed too much that they are unable to rationally think from a non JW perspective. Right from infancy or from the time one become a JW, he or she is sworn to hating the world, separating himself/herself from it. You already know it


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