The Charitable Planning brochure in PDF can be downloaded from:
Video based on "Kingdom Control". It's short but to the point. Seen it?
by Wasanelder Once 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cabasilas - thank you
WOW, you think they'd at least be a little more I dunno, crafty about hinting to give more monitarily- NOPE, they just came right out and said it, name us as your beneficiary- not your family. guess what? My mom actually took my name off as a beneficiary, since I'm inactive and all, and put the WBTS. So yeah, shes's got that Kingdom Control thing going on. People are really doing this. How ridiculous. How about leave that money for the family members that survive you? Nah, It's better for me to name the organization on my insurance policy. Anyone got the # for StateFarm?
Well done, Wasanelder.....The short pithy vid will be seen by people who would not listen to the full talk...I liked the comparison with Ben Hur's galley slaves. You would be surprised at how often I hear that comparison made by loyal dubs who are not happy at the way things are today...
The statements deserve publicizing because they are made by a senior person in the organization, however,I believe that this is a case of an over zealous C/O trying too hard to spice up his talk with dire warnings. I can remember in years past being worried because a C/O said from the platform something like ..."You think that the counsel on what we can watch and listen to is restrictive? I tell you it will get even more tight soon as Satan's World continues it headlong plunge into debauchery............."
Of course it never did. That was at least 25 years ago
No Apologies
I think we should all call the Charitable Planning Office and request a copy of the brochure. Better yet, see if they will send out multiple copies. I would also see if they would be willing to send it out via overnight delivery or FedEx, whichever is more expensive faster.
No Apologies
Because he was a very careful driver with a mild spirit, those who rode his bus decided to write a thank-you note and to give him a tip along with a copy of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? To that, the driver responded: "I gladly accept the card and the book, but I return the money because I wish to contribute it so that you can continue the work you are doing. Even though I am not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I want to make this contribution because I've seen that you do things out of love."
Wait until he finds out how worthless the scholarship was that produced the so called Bible Teach book. It has the result of making the Bible more muddled and confusing. He will realize those friendly people rooked him bad. He should have kept the cash.
mochamint22 - I have had the same experience - they really came in for the kill after my father died, and yes - I couldn't believe how obvious they were about their intentions. If they are really sincere about getting back the lost sheep/whatever - they certainly go about it in a strange way as they'll never get me back nor the people who know what they have done. One of the "legal" brothers from bethel visited my mother last week - made a long journey to do so - so no doubt she has signed away her life's work. Odd thing is - inheritance is a common theme throughout the bible and yet they can disregard the concept when it means money in their coffers. Brings to mind the idea of gnats and camels.