January 1, 1929 Watchtower:
"No one knew more about the church than its great teacher Paul. It may be said that no man ever exercised so much authority in the church as he. But there is no evidence to show that he ever sought a unity of organization which would bring all the little companies founded by him under one control, nor that he himself claimed to have any authority amongst them, save that which his special endowments by the Lord through the holy spirit gave to him. He had authority to teach and he had authority to deal with those who were harmful to the church. But his authority was limited by the measure of agreement to that which he might say or do.
"He wrote to the Corinthian church saying he would set some things in order when he came amongst them, a word which tells of authority. But he also wrote saying he would go to them, not as having dominion over their faith, but as helper of their joy. (1 Cor. 11:34; 2 Cor. 1:24) There is nothing in his writings to show that Paul would go to Corinth or to any other church as having the right of entry and authority to determine any or all matters relative to doctrine or conduct...
"Nor did the apostles ever sit in council to set laws over the churches. They had no authority to do so, and they never presumed. Nor after the death of Paul did Timothy and Titus exercise authority save as in a measure they continued the work of Paul as a helper of the brethren. The early church knew nothing of bishoprics in the sense in which that word is used to authorize the great offices of the churches."
*** jv chap. 10 pp. 143-146 Growing in Accurate Knowledge of the Truth ***
In the first century, when questions as to doctrine or procedure arose, these were referred to a central governing body made up of spiritually older men. Decisions were made after considering what the inspired Scriptures said as well as evidence of activity that was in harmony with those Scriptures and that was prospering as a result of the operation of the holy spirit. The decisions were conveyed in writing to the congregations. (Acts 15:1-16:5) That same procedure is in operation among Jehovah's Witnesses today.
...Tell me, is this why the Bill of Rights includes the 5th Amendment?