I have been doing research on Nostradamus prediction and some of his predictions talks about 2012 and planet x and possible flooding of New York City and ect.. Which goes along with Rev about the water turning bitter, and great famine because of the polar shifts. Does anyone know anything about this and the possible connection as is why they might be selling their real estate and trying to leave new york city? Any thoughts ... feel free to venture off topic..or outside the box.
Nostradamus prediction of 2012 and the timing of the society leaving New York City
by dysfunction 17 Replies latest jw friends
Can't speak to the correlations with Nostradamus (I've been given different timelines and they're not as close as some are "predicting"... but maybe not all that far, either), dear Dys (peace to you!)... but I would say the exodus is just the result of good business sense/advice (which they can certainly afford buy). I mean, why do business from several aging sites scattered around pricey downtown Brooklyn when you can sell all of that for a gazillion dollars and move it all upstate... to a much larger... and significantly cheaper spread? You can house more folks... downsize if/when you need to ('cause you pay significantly less property, excise, and local taxes)... have a butt-load of privacy... AND put a whopping chunk f Benjamins in your pocket/bank account (or pay some pretty good dividends) all at the same time??
I would LOVE to say their exodus has some greater (albeit false/misguided) compulsion than their pockets... but I don't believe that is the case.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
Elvis shot JFK.
Think About It
Moving out of NYC gets the WTS away from any other potential 9/11 type attack. So much for relying on Jehovah to protect them.
Think About It
Moving out of NYC gets the WTS away from any other potential 9/11 type attack
Kind of makes sense, dear TAI (peace to you!)... except that the exodus began LONG before 9/11. When I visited in 1996, it was SUCH a ghost town it was actually quite eerie. Like a "Twilight Zone" experience, actually. The strangest thing. The entire area - whole buildings, in fact, were completely vacant. At Headquarters proper entire floors and several "departments" were vacant. We had lunch in the dining room and while loads of food was placed on all tables, many of the tables were empty - no one sat at them at all. We (the sister who accompanied and I) thought it was weird. VERY strange. And the "brother" who gave us the tour (a personal friend who worked in the Legal Department) got VERY nervous and elusive when we asked about it.
But, yeah, trying to avoid a potential situation where they couldn't get out the city might have been of some influence.
Again peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
They are setting up their paradise compounds. They have acquired large tracts of land in various countries in conjunction with their pledges to the ARC, WWF and the IMF.
They are setting up their paradise compounds. They have acquired large tracts of land in various countries in conjunction with their pledges to the ARC, WWF and the IMF.
I heard that the WashTowel has invested in several lion and tiger sanctuaries in order to accelerate their breeding. You know....everyone will need a pet lion in Paradise. Gotta get ready!
Cameo-d: They pledged money to the American Red Cross? and World Wildlife Fund? Can you please direct me to that source information. Very interesting.
Thanks so much!
IMF? The Impossible Mission Foundation?
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