NY Telecom & Wonder Woman 77

by Utopian Reformist 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    WonderWoman, if it helps at all, I'm a Damn Cute FAT Chyck myself. I've dealt (sometimes struggled) with overweight since puberty; I've never been thin.

    And so damn what? Losing fifty pounds or so might add another five years to my life, but the mental energy required to stick to it would be immense. I'd rather use it to write a book, unionize my office, and start a queer employees' organization at work. Oh, and learn Tai Chi, maybe, or go back to singing harmony. Or, hmm, bellydance.

    The hazards of moderate obesity like ours, while real, are overrated. I hope you already know about http://www.fatso.com/ and http://www.radiancemagazine.com/ -- and, while we're at it, Hanne Blank's Big Big Love: A Sourcebook on Sex for People of Size and Those Who Love Them. Amazon.com has it.


    it is ashame that some view advice and concern as making fun of...
    You hijacked a thread to interject a totally uncalled-for and irrelevant comment about WonderWoman's appearance, gobshite.

    if you would be interested in "looking like you did" [exercise] ..i could outline and excellent exercise and nutrition routine
    Fine, but it may not take the weight off. IIRC, about 25% of people who diet and exercise rigorously DON'T LOSE WEIGHT. Even though their health improves.

    You made unwarranted assumptions about WW77's health and self-discipline. I do sometimes read threads started by you, but only for the responses of your betters.

    Gently Feral

  • joelbear

    Hi Wonderwoman:

    WW says:

    Maybe I expected people to respect me for who I am and the thoughts I have. But I guess I am just an idealist

    Joelbear says:

    Don't expect too much from people, especially strangers on the internet. You are bound to be disappointed.

    Rely first on yourself and your higher power, whatever spirituality that may be. Rely second on your trusted friends, those who over time have proven their loyalty to you, listen to their advice and criticism, because you know they offer it with love.

    As for the rest of humanity, well, you just kind of have to take it as it comes, sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. When its good, pass it on, the world needs all the good it can get. When its bad, its much more difficult to decide how to deal with it. This is when you have to trust yourself and your higher power and your friends and do the best you can for the circumstances.

    There will always be people seeking to gain power over you by trying to get you to lose control of your own self esteem and self will.

    Yes, you probably are an idealist to some extent. So am I. Mostly, what that means is we get caught off guard from time to time by the NYT's of the world. The good thing is that once we've spotted them, we can choose to avoid them.

    You take care of yourself.



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