The fallback position of personal revelation is what many religions do that have a set of beliefs in experientialism. When we were Witnesses we had the 'experience of the worldwide brotherhood', it is all seductive on many levels- emotional, familial, social, and spiritual. Are people being good and doing good under these beliefs, sure, but people should be good and are good in much of their lives even with different religions and even among agnostics and atheists. As I asked another board member who believes in the 'revelation from God' confirmation- what do you do besides pray and sing hymns that another other good and productive person doesn't do, no answer, because good people do good things every day. It is how we live, we know what to do.
When does a belief go from being simply a good code to live by to being a Cult. You are familiar with the social and psychological studies that list things to watch for. How free are the children of Evangelicals and Fundamentalists to leave their parents religion and seek new ideas. How is the world defined by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists, by your own admission they are the saved and unsaved, you even go so far as to segregate Church goers into unsaved preachers. As for the moniker of being 'Born Again' the Evangelical movement abrogated a term that would mean something different to the Jew Jesus was speaking with in the Gospel account, but that is never considered in any literature from a Baptist or Calvary Chapel publisher.
We experience the Armageddon syndrome in ourselves and our children, the Hell Fire syndrome produces an equally destructive personality trait in its believers and sadly the children.
Its the children that need to be helped the most. We have a responsibility to them to set the groundwork of knowledge and have it in place that they can read and learn that there are choices, that there are good and descent places and people in this world and not limited to any Faith or Creed.
I got my children out of the Watchtower and my hope for my grandchildren will be that they live full productive and honorable lives free from the kind of fear and superstition that religion feels the need to promote to hold its members in place.