I should have posted this earlier for assistance. I left JW two months ago and since then my life has almost been a Lifetime Movie. Long story short, my soon to be ex-wife believes i am full of the world, satan, etc etc. Two weeks ago i got served my divorce papers at work to be followed up with a restraining order. My court case for the restraining order is tomorrow and needless to say i have done nothing wrong except leave the JDubs. My lawyer wants to use a little bit of the religion to explain why my wife became irrational on the night in question. Now to my point...anyone have any good quotes from publications that basically would state that people in the world are wicked, or when you leave you are an apostate or anything that would show from the JDub literature their irrational thinking on this subject. If i can show the court that, then that would back up my arguments and let me have a chance to see my kids again. Thanks in advance.!!!!!
Restraining order against me from my JW Wife
by karlosranson 38 Replies latest jw friends
Found Sheep
JWFACTS.COM HAS lots of quotes
This is a discrace and the JW'S are the evil ones, causing family break ups just because you no longer want to go to the brain washing meetings!!
You have done nothing wrong and there are no grounds for a divorce. If your wife feels this way then I think you are better off without her..
The organisation has alot to answer for, and you can help bring them down with this when it goes to court. Get the papers and the media involved and expose the morons for what they do to families. Please find a way to walk away from the cult and move on . I did and although it's hard it's been worth every day out of this horse shit. Send your story to freeminds and they will take it from there..
Mad Sweeney
You're right. You should have come here the minute you left. The Watchtower provides a secret "child custody manual" for JWs who's spouses have left them and the Borg. Before going to court, you should read it and make sure your lawyer knows the angles their attorneys are going to take.
Shoot me a PM with an email address and I can send you a copy of it in pdf form.
Even if there are no kids to consider here, you can still use it to get a feel for how the JWs approach court cases. It's pretty deceptive.
Now to my point...anyone have any good quotes from publications that basically would state that people in the world are wicked, or when you leave you are an apostate or anything that would show from the JDub literature their irrational thinking on this subject.
Unless you have been verbally made threats of violence toward your wife or children or you have been physically violent against them recently,
a restraining order wouldn't hold up in court. And yes should take as much documentation as possible to show how this cult disposes people
and intentionally breaks up families for any individual that wishes not to be apart of their organization any more.
Many times a restraining order is obtained in order for the filer to further advance their claim of abuse and to garner more sympathy from friends, family and community.
It also serves to get your attention and let you know they mean business.
If there truly is no threat of attack by you, you may want to simply stick with the issue of access to your children. The restraining order unfairly drives a wedge between parent and child - children are being used as pawns in an ugly divorce. Children being legally prevented access to their own parent can wreck havoc with their relationship with both parents. They can become suspicious of the parent against whom it was filed and highly resentful of the one who filed.
My suggestion is to focus on the kids and restoring a good, loving, upbuilding, wholesome relationship with them.
For the TRO, have the kids removed from it and promise to leave the ex-spouse alone. If possible, get someone else (lawyer, aunt, uncle, etc) to let the kids know that they should never have been included in the order.
Hopefully, your spouse was just being dramatic and did not really have just cause to file the order out of fear of physical harm to herself or the children.
We don't know you at all, though, so really impossible to know what really went on.
Almost the same thing happened to me when I left the JW's except she got a General Sessions Court judge to sign a
restraining order and forgot to file for divorce. When I showed up for the restraining order hearing, I acted stupid and
said I wanted to contest the order but didn't have an attorney. Judge gave me 2 weeks to get an attorney. I got one the next day and he filed for a divorce in Cahncery Court. When we back to General Sessions Court the judge moved it to Chancery Court. With some brilliant legal wrangling and jargon my attorney got her attorney to agree to a settlement.
Long story short, I got visitation but the evil woman has disobeyed sevaeral court orders and appearances because she doesn't recognise courts who go against Jehovah's standards and since the satanic cult considers me an apostate they back her up. I haven't seen my kids in almost 2 years.
One day she will have to face Jesus and explain to Him why she held my children hostage and wouldn't let them see me.
I hope for the best for you.
Does anybody have the WBT$ quote that says "The Law prevents the WBT$ from killing apostates?".. His lawyer would have fun with that..
A little ammunition for you. Good luck.
Realize, that getting out of a cult, is apostacy from the cult.......not apostacy from God!
((The direction given in the Watchtower goes strongly against Christian examples when demanding members hate an apostate.
- ?The obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates. Our attitude toward apostates should be that of David, who declared: ?Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you?? Watchtower 1992 July 15 pp.12-13 Christ Hated Lawlessness?Do You?
?Apostasy is, in reality, a rebellion against Jehovah. Some apostates profess to know and serve God, but they reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible, but they reject Jehovah?s organization and actively try to hinder its work. When they deliberately choose such badness after knowing what is right, when the bad becomes so ingrained that it is an inseparable part of their makeup, then a Christian must hate (in the Biblical sense of the word) those who have inseparably attached themselves to the badness. True Christians share Jehovah's feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they "feel a loathing" toward those who have made themselves God's enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance." Watchtower 1993 October 1 p.19
?Haters of God and his people are to be hated, but this does not mean that we will take any opportunity of bringing physical hurt to them in a spirit of malice or spite, for both malice and spite belong to the Devil, whereas pure hatred does not. We must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme and active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest. Surely any haters of God are not fit to live on his beautiful earth. The earth will be rid of the wicked and we shall not need to lift a finger to cause physical harm to come to them, for God will attend to that, but we must have a proper perspective of these enemies. His name signifies recompense to the enemies. Watchtower 1952 October 1 p.599)) ............... Read On!- clarity
I lived in controlling marriage and religion for far too long. When it was time to stand up for myself is when the poo hit the fan. My kids are really all i care about. I don't care about the money but just want my kids physically and mentally safe. Honestly, I really do think she was frightened that night in question. She feels like she doesn't know who i am anymore since i left "the truth". I am somehow now the boogeyman that they are all taught. Sad. The funny part of this is that i called an old mutual friend who is an elder in the congregation and now has nothing to do with me despite 15 years of friendship. I asked him to call my wife and make sure everything was ok the night in question. My lawyer had him subpoena'd. He called me frantic. I hate to resort to tactics like this but i'm being put in such a bad spot wtih my kids. I'll spend whatever money i have to as well as exhaust whatever legal resources i have to defend myself and protect my children. Thanks for your thoughts and help on this.