Yes, pure theater as marching columns of children cause strong men to weep when WTS releases new publication.
by still wondering 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Geez, it conjures images of a Nuremberg party rally.
Rutherford Youth.
"the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon"
False prophets
still wondering
WTS discovers new method to counteract the medical condition known as “Assembly Stupor”.
Is that guy on the cover giving a Nazi salute to God ???
LMAO !!!!
diana netherton
At the top of the cover it looks like an ancient Mayan pyramaid....Hmmmmmm
Lion Cask
It is enough to make a stong man weep, with crushing, painful incredulity.
Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not. Jer. 5:21 (King James version) - in other words there are none so blind as those who will not see.
Reading a bunch of posts in here today has left me discouraged. The OP is yet another presentation of crystal clear evidence of the tragic lunacy of the WTS, but it will it change anyone's mind? Sometimes it is just too much to continue beating one's head bloody against the wall with no effect on the people on the other side of it.
My mother was baptized in either '41 or '42 at only 9 yrs. old. I recall her retelling the thrilling details of this convention.
Hitler salutes, pyrimids, false prophecies , that WT is creepy, more than normally.
I just still cant believe that so many of my relatives participate in this idolatry.
September 15, 1941 .... nothing like being in the middle of WWII to stir emotional insanity!
The example of Perry's Mother, being co-erced into baptism at nine years of age, along with probably every kid in that stadium ....... is proof positive that the WT can and will take advantage of any situation that will further it's plans!!
End of the world, right around the corner, last days.............come on shxx or get off the pot!
Sad thing is, 'as a broken clock is always right twice a day', so will they be. What ever cataclysmic event to come upon this can be sure they will try to take the credit for it!