1980 Oldsmobile Omega
I used it out in service.
by sabastious 52 Replies latest jw friends
1980 Oldsmobile Omega
I used it out in service.
I used it out in service.
It does look the part. I got some "special counseling" for the 2-door Corvair.
It didn't take - I got a 1969 Porsche 911T 2 years later.
Only time a stick is a pain in the ass, IMO, is when you are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic
I got one better: when you're driving the streets of San Francisco and you get stuck at a light with a steep uphill. You gotta put the hand brake on or balance on the clutch and pray that you don't stall when the light goes green and you let out the clutch while giving it the gas.
When I was first learning how to drive a stick, hills were the scariest things in the world.
This is my seventh car, which I have owned for almost 30 years, the longest I have owned any vehicle. This photo was taken not long after acquisition. It is one of about 1800 open headlight variant S1 E-type roadsters produced by Jaguar in 1967-68. I've blocked out the license plate to try to preserve a modicum of anonymity.
When I was first learning how to drive a stick, hills were the scariest things in the world.
It rightly should be! You gotta not roll back at all! Or you gonna smash into someone! And those f'ing hills in SF are outrageous!
That is a VERY nice car, Lion Cask.
some nice cars
Thank you, james_woods. It is an absolute pig on fuel and takes 9 quarts per oil change, is atrociously difficult to work on (one needs to remove the entire front end and engine in order to change the clutch which, like all other spare parts and maintenance, requires great gobs of money), tends to overheat in stop and go traffic and raises expectations which, at age 58, I am certainly no longer able to accomodate (even if I wasn't married). I think I keep it for sentimental reasons.
And Curtains, the VW Beetle has been voted one of the top 10 most influential cars ever produced. You should repost your pic.
1965 VW Beetle...a real "chick magnet"!!
I must say that VW beetle does look very impressive, tenyearsafter