I can't imagine another reduction in Pioneer hours, and the gap between regular and auxiliary would be quite wide to encourage stepping up from aux to reg, but who knows?
If the 30 hours is successful, perhaps they will make a permanent addition as regular third tier pioneer.
Brothers, because of the overwhelming response to the reduced Auxiliary Pioneer hours during April, the faithful slave recognizes that it is Jehovah's will to incorporate this as a regular feature in our Christian ministry. Beginning September 2011, the faithful slave and the holy spirit favor adding a new rank of ministry classification to the already existing five levels. For simplification, the wording will be changed.
Level 1 Publisher (formerly "irregular publisher" - at least one month with no report during a sixth month period)
Level 2 Publisher (formerly "low hour publisher" - averaging below 10 hours per month per 6 month period)
Level 3 Publisher (formerly "publisher" - averaging 10 or more hours per month)
Level 1 Pioneer * NEW (commitment to a minimum of 30 hours per month)
Level 2 Pioneer (formerly Auxiliary Pioneer - minimum 50 hours per month (no change))
Level 3 Pioneer (formerly Regular Pioneer - average 800 hours per year (no change))
All brothers who have appointed positions in the congregation or wish to be considered for appointment must maintain the rank of at least a Level 1 Pioneer.