I thought it'd be fun to talk about what part of the conventions just made you cringe or be annoyed with. I can remember a couple things:
I remember after the TMS when they put the list in the back on the announcement board, there were people that would get up while the last song was being sung to write down the info. My mom even got in the habit of sending me or my brother back there with a cell phone and call to make the reservation- even while the last prayer is going on. People would push and shove trying to get back there and they would cut in line, and get all pissed off if there were no more rooms at the hotel they wanted.
My mom always having a problem with the hotel. I remember this one year not too long ago in Amarillo, Tx. She made these reservations and when we got there I guess the room was too nasty for my mom's standards so she went to the rooming committee telling them it was unacceptable and she couldnt stay there. They gave her another option for hotel and that didn't suit her either so she just went to some hotel she wanted to stay at even though it wasn't on the list. What happened w/"Kingdom Control" there mom? LOL
Also, people falling asleep, including myself, ha ha. I couldn't wait for the lunch break and I'd drag myself back after that. And those dang SYMPOSIUMS that are like a couple hours long, switching brothers in between. OMG. I just kept looking at the clock, checking the program to see how many more talks there were. And my mom would make us kids STAND UP if we fell asleep. So there'd be all these people and then you'd see us standing up in the front of the stinking section cause we couldn't stay awake. LAME. Whenever new books came out, my mom would also send my brother out in the halls while the last song/prayer and start the line to be the first. And they'd say, for example, there was only enough for eveyone to have ONE- yeah she'd get TWO or more, just cause.
What are some of your funny stories at the district conventions?