Darth Plageius, I just read Absalom in the insight book. It appears that David wouldn't see Abby for 2 years.
Rejected by Immediate Family
by LoriJis 26 Replies latest jw friends
Same story, the shunning has started even tho I haven't done 'anything' yet. Guess I shouldn't have asked questions, lol!!
Isn't it a strange group, they command who you will love ...and they command who you will hate!
We are being emotionally blackmailed. "Say your'e sorry and never do it again or we'll remove everyone from you! Plus god will kill you if you refuse"
It is a process - hang-in there.
Broken Promises
I've got nothing to add to the excellent advice you've already received, but I have gone similar and I can feel your pain.
Hang in there!
ex-Special Pioneer
Use the media to expose them. Get in contact with good journalists and give them your story. Write letters to authorities about the shunning practise of this group. Dont take it for granted that everyone knows.
Do you remember the letter campaigns that they used to encourage everyone to participate in writing to authorities were JWs were "persecuted"?
Been there done that. I am DA ed though so my situation is a little different than yours. I could not live a lie. I could not suppress myself to make others happy so I offically left. I lost my sister and brother and every aunt, uncle, and cousin I had also. You do move on sooner or later. I know that alothough they are not in my life on a day to day basis they do care about me in their own way. They ask my mother about me every now and then. I at least have my parents in my life. That is more than some have so I don't feel like I have it that bad.
Believe me when I tell you that they are doing you a big favor. I would not want to associate with people who are closed minded and judgemental anyway. You have to keep looking over your shoulders in order to accomodate them. Live your life, cause no one will do it for you.
Luo bou to
I am soooo upset, depressed and everything. I usually do things impulsively but i'm thinking about sending them all an email saying how i feel and then just letting them know that i will be disconnecting from them from now on.....any suggestions in this situation?
One suggestion They are disconnecting from you Their decision not yours Don't let them blame you Make that clear You want a normal family relationship like you are discovering with your non witness family It is their choice to shun you You don't agree with shunning that you think it is a disgusting practice
For your own peace of mind LoriJis always remind yourself you are not responsible You are no longer part of a cult family controlled by a handful of abusive cult fathers in Crooklyn