New resolution passed at last service meeting? crazy!!

by finallyfree! 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • finallyfree!

    so my ex who has gone back to the wts and is being given the tough love and is questioning whether shes makin the right move. she told me at the last service meeting that there was a resolution passed that stated that all leftover balances in the congregations accounts would be sent to the society to be used where the need is great, to help out with natural disasters etc and that the funds would be sent back to the congregation if they needed it.

    has anyone else who is still in or knows active witnesses heard of this new resolution? apparently its everywhere in canada as far as i was told .

    the wts tightening the screw? apparently the whole congo raised their hands in accord. what good little sheep.

  • Soldier77

    Sounds like they roll through that resolution annually. I've heard it in the states frequently (as in at least once a year). It's just a money funnel to support the WTS since its 'donation' arrangement isn't working as they thought.

  • Ding

    I sure am glad the WTS doesn't pass the collection plate, aren't you?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    This is a relatively new thing, the letter was read in our congregation a few months ago. (UK)

    The difference from anything previous is that once this resolution has been passed, then the BOE can send money to the WTS WITHOUT any reference to the congregation at any time in the future. It removes the possibilty of future dissent.

    Fortunately our BOE rejected the idea and did not put the resolution to the congregation. If they had put it to a vote it would have sailed through without question as all such resolutions do. (Group think!!)


  • thetrueone

    has anyone else who is still in or knows active witnesses heard of this new resolution? apparently its everywhere in Canada as far as i was told .

    Man thats nothing new they were saying and doing that back in the 60's and 70's.

    And I've lived in Canada for most of my life.

    Not a new resolution at all.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    there was a resolution passed that stated that all leftover balances in the congregations accounts would be sent to the society to be used where the need is great, to help out with natural disasters etc and that the funds would be sent back to the congregation if they needed it.

    The money is always designated to "use where the need is greater". The loyal publishers in the congregation is always left to fend for themselves when they actually have a real need. Rarely will people in the cong. help them. It is usually worldly relatives or DF'd family members. The cong. will never see that money again.

    Think About It

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    thetrueone - I think the major difference here is that in the past the congregation had to vote on an annual basis to send money to the WTS. Now, once this resolution has been passed the congregation NEVER need to be asked again. That is new.



    Thats been going on for as long as I can Remember..

    The Multi-Billion Dollar WBT$ printing company needs your money..

    "Feed the WBT$ Money Pig!"..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Scully

    all leftover balances in the congregations accounts would be sent to the society to be used where the need is great, to help out with natural disasters etc and that the funds would be sent back to the congregation if they needed it.

    If you believe that, especially the part about funds being sent back to the congregation if the need arose, I have a bridge and some waterfront property to sell you.

  • carla

    So what if say a furnace is getting old and they are trying to save for a new furnace in the next few years, what then? How is something like that handled?

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