WTBTS Elder & Ministerial Servant Problems

by JW GoneBad 113 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Around here, it's easily 2 elders per 1 MS. Lots of ex-elders and ex-MSs that aren't "reaching out."

    Elders are carrying mics.

  • Gayle

    Since as one poster said there are 1,115,786 avg pubs in U.S., and another poster said there are about 88,500 elders, that means as average, each elder must shepherd 11.6 pubs, (a few of these would probably be non-baptized pubs, of which would be mostly children). My point? sorry, I am just in a stats mode today.

  • undercover

    Cool thread...

    I've commented before that among the male dubs of my roundabout age group that I grew up with, very few of them ever made elder. Some made MS and promptly stagnated.

    ...and as I sit here typing this a JW just walked down the hall here at work. He's in his mid-40s and isn't even an MS. He goes to all the meetings and puts in his 10 hours of fake service, but he doesn't do anything more to try to be appointed. He's quite happy right where he's at.

    From what JW connections I have left, there's definitely a slacking off across the board. Not just 'lazy' males, but the sisters are focusing on family and/or career. Kids are focusing on school/higher education.

    I think the generation change in 95 gave the subliminal message that Armageddon is a ways off... off far enough that we don't have to worry about it in our life. 15 years later and a new generation of JW kids have been raised to not be in expectation. Their parents slacked off and now they're coming of age and will not have the Armageddon outlook.

    It's going to be an interesting next few years for the WTS. As the old guard has died off, how will the new GB members carry on from here? Tighten the grip? Or seek to be mainstream and re-invent the religion yet once again?

    Tighten the grip? Or seek to be mainstream and re-invent the religion yet once again?.....UC

    The WBT$ never gives up control..

    There are still very militant WBT$ GB who now have a window of opportunity..

    To take over as Leaders of the Pack..

    Expect the worst..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • straightshooter

    In my wife's cong their are 6 elders and 3 MS. One MS is so old and frail that he doesn't do any MS functions. The other 2 MS is too young to be appointed as elders. Elders and publishers are handling the other MS responsibilities. At least in this cong the zeal has vanished.

  • undercover


    Expect the worst...

    Actually I'd prefer that they do tighten the control and clamp down on the rank and file. In this age of information and instant communication to try to control the masses with their old sorcerer's ways will only push more and more people out the door.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Yep. Bring it GB 2.0. We'll be here to catch the ones that slip through your evil fingers.


    Hey UC..

    If WBT$ History is any Indicator..Your going to get your wish..

    Old School GB are about to get Mean..

    They are going to Take Names and Kick Ass..

    Todays JW`s are soft..Not like the old days..When JW`s were WBT$ Warriors..

    The WBT$ is going to lose a huge percentage of JWCult members,over the next few years..


    JWN is going to get a lot Bigger..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • Vidiot

    Outlaw - "...expect the worst..."

    Reminds me of Julian Assange's agenda for Wikileaks...

    Assange's theory is that in order to stem the tide of confidential information flow, authoritarian regimes can't help but implement increasingly draconian restrictions on all lines of communication.

    At a certain point, however, this ultimately has the effect of preventing the regime from conducting vital internal communication, which, in turn, fatally cripples the regime's ability to function.

    Can't help but think that there's a paralell...

    BTW, we're neighbors; I'm in BC, too.

  • SirNose586

    Yup...I used to be an MS, right as I was figuring out the BS of the org. Too smart for them. I recall they had two older guys (50-60) as MS: one was a goofball, so he wasn't elder material. The other was a nice guy but had throat cancer and constant pain, so he was not going to be bumped up either. I was the go-getter and I got the hell out of there!

    I kinda wonder who they have as MS now; kinda don't. I probably wouldn't even recognize the congregation these days. That's good. As long as they don't recognize me, even better.

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