I often find myself trying to put together a mental list of the good things about the Watchtower. When I was a Witnesses that list was long, but as I moved away from the Organization all the items on that list started blurring from fantasy into reality.
It seems apparent to me that the Watchtower is nothing but a huge scandal spanning over a century. What a concept, a century old blatent lie.
Old list of JW virtues
1. The most loving people in the world
I used to believe this as many of my family still fervently believe it. If you ever call out a Witness on it they have a prepacked set of anwers. They'll say that they have broken racial boundries and that everyone believes the same thing and they don't go to war because of their intense love for mankind. They truely, in their minds, are models of Christ.
What's ironic is that every attribute that they find so endearing all can be found within destructive suicide cults, namely Jonestown. Of course if you bring that up they will just brush it off... because they really are different, the Jonestown people are just a bunch of "crazies."
And as a side point, how can a group of people self proclaim to be the most "loving people in the world"? That's like an actor insisting he is the best actor alive and keeps not getting nominated for the acadamy awards.
2. They are the only ones immitating Christ
Christ preached from house to house, Paul preached from house to house, therefore Witnesses are the only ones immitating Christ. It makes so much since in the moment doesn't it? I know I really wanted to believe that I had been born into the one group on earth that was truely immitating Christ. It's funny how Paul and company ultilized letter writing. Letter writing was the most advanced form of communication in that day and it was used very effectively, hell many of the Bible books are indeed letters.
If you want to immidate Christ don't try to emulate his actions in historical context emulate his passion. Jesus would have used all modern technology to spread his message because he knew how important it was, it's simple concept that is lost with most Witnesses. They usually have some stupid excuse for why the Witnesses don't utilize modern technology and it 100% of the time completely asinine.
It's contant lies, it makes me sick in to my stomach sometimes.
3. They have undeniably fulfilled Bible Prophecy
This is an interesting one because when you change the definition of inspiration or spirit-directed you change the definition of prophecy. Every time a Witness tries to explain Bible prophecy that they indeed fulfilled (not end times) it is a laughable argument. Then they have to default that they are the "only ones" that are fulfilling Matthew 24:14. And they are the "only ones" truely aware of the Signs of the Times.
They have to make up lies to cover their lies so that they can cover up more lies. No, most Witnesses really believe what they are saying, it's dumbfounding.
Their case is flawed and their positions are weak, but yet they will look you straight in the face and tell you that they are better than you and you are going to die in Armageddon and your eyes are going to picked out by buzzards.
Sometimes you get a passive Witness who pulls the "we don't really know who is going to make it" crap. And for some reason within that argument the Watchtower is a meaningless piece of literature. You can show a Witness who believes in "God will read hearts" 10 recent articles with clear language stating only Jehovah's Witnesses are going to be saved and they will laugh in your face and say something like "That's wrong, they are just imperfect men making mistakes."
Then when these "wrong and imperfect men" say jump they reply "how high?"