...Watchtower World..A place where "Stupid is Better!"...

by OUTLAW 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    at the end agreed that the Witnesses teach the Truth of the Bible

    Like the unbibical calculation they made up to reach the important year 1914. ( commercialized fraud )

    Just one example - Jesus did not say he would give a special calculation to his faithful discrete slave.

    Since 1914 was firstly calculated from Pyramidology, which would not stand on its own they had to come up with another

    unbibical date, directly opposing what was said and written scripturally.

    Only an idiot would agree with the assertion that world events since 1914 are any different paramountly than pre-1914

    through close historical study, geologically (earthquakes, famine, pestilence, lawlessness and so on ...)

    So do the JWS preach the truth as they tell people and are they exclusive in this pronouncement ....hardly

    Perhaps those interested pastors are poorly educated idiots too

    if thats the case they might make good JWS



    My response - Even Raymond Franz in his Crisis of Conscience admits that the GB body allowed elders to send their children to college if they chose to.
    In 3 congregations I attended, 1 or 2 elders had children that were studying at college.

    WTF does Ray Franz have to do with whats happening now?..

    There are new WBT$ Rules Genius..We have active JW Elders on the Board..

    Try to keep up..

    My response : I guess you believe everything you read on the Internet, huh.... that Bulgaria rumor is not true, it is really just a rumor..

    The WBT$ has it`s own Web page on the Internet..With your reasoning everything on the WBT$ WebPage is Bullshit..

    I`d have to agree..

    My response - ""stupid" - that's more or less what the Pharisees said of the 1st century Christian apostles...

    More or Less?..

    You either know or you don`t know..

    Maybe you can pull a Rabbit out of your Ass too..

    I refused to be censored from the Internet....I will continue to exercise my freedom and voice my opinions...

    No one is trying to censor you here..You`ve proved your on the right thread..

    Your pretty Stupid..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • GrandmaJones
  • snowbird

    A Bethel speaker told approvingly of a little kindergartener who didn't rise and leave the classroom when a fire alarm went off. (Thankfully it was just a drill).

    The little tyke's reasoning?

    I'm a JW; I don't know if we celebrate fire drills or not!

    Sad, but true story.



    Good Morning Sylvia!..

    That is frigg`n hillarious!..LOL!!..It reminds me of my 1st year in school..

    I would`nt let the nurse give me a vaccination because I did`nt thik I was allowed to have one..LOL!!..

    The nurse called my mom,I got my vaccination the next day..

    Being a JW Kid Sucked big time..So much negativity..Everything was suspect..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    Hey, Outlaw.

    Some people at the KH laughed and thought it was so cute.

    I was thinking, what if it was really a fire???


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