I'm so sorry for what you went through with your father, BOTR. Appalling. You showed great strength, not only surviving, but fighting back and making something of your life.
I am thankful for the love you were shown, also, and the people who helped you.
I believe that we (humans) are responsible for the atrocities in this world. We (humans) abuse children or look away, or ignore the signs that lead up to it, or don't do enough (or anything) to help those who have been abused, and stop them from becoming their own nightmares. I don't know how God can stop all of that without us being willing to accept Him, though,... except perhaps by 'zapping' everyone who hurts someone else? How much fear would we live in then, though?
I don't have all the answers either, but I do know that humanity is responsible for its own actions, and its own mess.