do they have enough sense not to go tomorrow?

by carla 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    The "wordly holidays" are special service days and

    those who are seeking to climb the JW food chain

    are expected to go out. The only change is they

    gather for the group 1/2 hour later in the morning

    to give the worldings another 1/2 hour to sleep in.

    Sour Grapes

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    At my husbands hall they are all meeting at 10:30 to allow the householder time to sleep in.

    Very kind of them I think.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I only went in FS once many years ago - when I was pioneering. I remember the CO's wife instructed us to knock very lightly. That way the people who were up might hear us but the "hung over" people could still sleep. She emphasized that that there are a lot of lonely people out there who would appreciate a visit. We were in rural territory and I think we were only out for about an hour. Don't remember finding any lonely people.


  • blondie

    My experience, some jws go out on Xmas day, it's a "happy" time and people are supposedly focusing on Jesus. Some brother (not MS or elder because they are off to their school) gets stuck with taking out the group, lowest seniority usually and trying to make brownie points.

    New Years Day, it only takes waking up one angry person with a hangover, to realize it is best to go home. Only pioneers desperate to make their time persist, usually calling later in the day on "return visits."

  • Hairyhegoat

    We had brother numtee call today!! With the ragazines he didn't knock the door though as he saw we inactive bad people had just celibrated new year and xmas, because I was lashed last night and forgot to turn the lights off on the outside of the house and the big xmas tree in the front window!!! He saw the star of david and the satan stop here decorations and shit his pants We were all still in bed at 11.30am when the agent /indepentant elder came round. My cat woke me up and then I saw the shit in the letter box, Shops were closed today and we ran out of bog roll so I wipped my ass on them!! If we had of been up and he knocked the door we were going to tell him to piss off and not bother us again with this shit

    Up yours you bethell morons!!


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