But its not semantics to point out the central term in the article is not defined. it make it impossible to test the authors claim. that mean the author only dress up his on prior beliefs in fancy language and serve it as evidence. its simply not science.
Ya know, I think you are right.
holy crap, obves is right, it really is going to happend this year! ;-).
"(E)volution CAN create information.
What do you mean by "evolution"? Abiogenesis, molecules to man, natural selection? What is it? And information, with all the definitions available, how is one to tell which one you mean? None of your terms are defined. Never mind the central one. You made it impossible to test your claim.
In the above statement, a re you referring to the same use of "information" as in the article? If yes, then what is all the noise about? If no, then what is the point of the above statement? Especially as it is meaningless with its undefined terms. As you said, it simply is not science."
now we are getting somewhere. By evolution i mean the process of evolution (mutation, selection, etc. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_(biologi)).
As far as information you are right to point out the ambiguity. There are different constructs scientists and mathematicians call "information", the two most important ones is shannon information and kolmogorov complexity. Both of these has an immense litterature and are very well-defined quantities, and both of them has many interesting practical applications (eg. principle of maximum entropy and minimum description length). In other words, they work.
because there are different constructs that one can call "information" the first clear sign the author is bullshitting is when he does not point out which construct he use (or if he is inventing one himself).
Evolution (as defined above) increase the amount of information no matter which measure one use and it is trivial to demonstrate. Take kolmogorov complexity (which is the length of the minimal program which can output a given sequence) and consider a sequence of DNA like: "ABATAAATTTDDD" (repeated 500 times), now consider the same sequence randomized by various mutations; the kolmogorov complexity of the last sequence will be larger than the first.
What did we learn here? NOTHING! Stating that evolution can increase the information in the genomen does not tell us anything because it is so trivially true. The central point is if evolution can create something "usefull" out of something which is not "usefull" (for example a new proteine). What the author does is that he believe evolution cannot do such a thing, then wrap the claim into some fancy language, and serve it as proof. Nothing is learned that way!
One very important thing the author miss is that evolution can create usefull things. it has been demonstrated in the laboratory, for example in the case of the "nylon-eating" bacteria.