It would be interesting to read a discussion of Witness use of the Bible from a skeptical rather than an Evangelical viewpoint. I can't think of any books along those lines.
There-in lies the question of whether writing a skeptic's annotations to the Jehovah's Witnesses religion even has an audience that will read it. It seems the only people who want to talk to Jehovah's Witnesses about faith are Evangelicals. I'm looking at it from the viewpoint of having that Aunt you love that's a Jehovah's Witness that everyone is afraid to discuss religion with because they don't know anything about her religion and are afraid to offend her. That's what I'm hoping to shed light on for people, ways to open a dialogue and ways to make sure they don't derail the conversation.
It does seem like this has been a subject that has been addressed MANY times before though, I don't know if it's something I should be going down the path of doing. I'd hate to just re-hash the same old information, I'm sort of an outside-the-box thinker guy. I'm pretty sure with my writing style and the things that I focus on it would be a VERY different type of book than the others. On the other hand I love Randy so much, he was the only former JW that send mail correspondance to my father during the divorce case for custody of me. I wouldn't want to step on any toes.