Moral Dilemma

by Mattieu 77 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DaCheech

    not to sidetrack but listen to one of my job experiences:

    I held a job for 4 years with a company e-mail address. I quit to work for the competition, 3 years later was laid off.

    the original company hired me with the knowledge that it was only for a couple of months.

    when the IT guy, activated my email account.

    I spent the first 2 hours of the day cleaning up 3 years of junk mail.

  • Mattieu

    Hi Georgiegirl,

    I suppose if you knew how much damage this guy has done to people locally here, everything from hair styles to choices of entertainment you would realise why this guy is such a prick. I have never heard so many other elders speak negatively of another elder like this one.

    So not only has it come as a surprise, but more so highlighted his self righteousness...

    No, dont want it to get nasty, unlike him I will think of his family circumstances.....

    PS - My job is safe ;-)

  • Mattieu

    DaCheech, I hear you, we have the best anti spam software, but still get at least 20 emails a day from Asia which arent legit...

  • cofty

    He sounds like he is no different than thousands of other elders who abuse their power and are guilty of hypocrisy in their personal lives. I'm sorry but this is not a shock revelation and you were bang out of order to imply he was using child abuse images in your OP.

    Apart from careless talk about judicial matters is he particularly harsh or abussive with the r&f? If not, I say ignore the whole thing. How much do you care that the borg has hypocritical elders? We all know that already, I couold tell you about plenty I knew when I was an elder. If you get him deleted what next, there are plenty more to fill his shoes.

    If he is the sort who bullies others then I would talk to him privately and tell him he has 3 months to find personal reasons to resign from being an elder otherwise the shit hits the fan.

  • Mattieu
    What if he acts upon his desires with an underage person? His involvement in judging others at this point is in question,

    Think about it - Couldnt agree more, hence even though inactive started asking a few questions....

  • Mattieu
    would the world be a better place without him being an elder

    Bohm. you have no idea how the Western part of Victoria feel about that question.......

  • Georgiegirl

    It is going to be hard if you are have no credibility with the local elders anymore...If there is someone higher up than the MD, I'd send everything to that person, anonymously, and say that the IT dept has been stymied by the MD. Secondly, if there is a webcam so you can "catch him in the act" (ewwwww) so to speak, I'd send it, the other evidence, to the congregation and Bethel. If no response, I'd forward everything (and the lack of response plus copies of WT quotes to local papers. :)

  • Mattieu
    Is there someone who is higher up than the MD?

    Georgiegirl, yes there is, but there is an International Arrest Warrant out for him (PM me for details)

  • Georgiegirl

    Ok, that just made me laugh (sorry). I think I'd start looking for another job!!! I know how tempting it must be to destroy this guy, but really, at this point, I'd just let it go. You might want to quietly keep collecting evidence in case he does break the law...

  • cofty

    Mattieu could you answer something straight for me please? Is there anything at all that gives you reason to beleve he has viewed under-age porn (ie sex or nudity involving persons below the age of consent, not 18, 19 year olds) or to beleive that he is any more of a danger to minors than any other man who views porn?

    If so tell th epolice. If not stop allowing this view to go on being entertained in this thread. you have already said enough to publicly identify him.

    Is he a hypocrite or a pedo?

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