I was in my old city in 2009 before I moved away I noticed a KH that I had helped build back in the early 70s was CLOSED, with no sign or notice anywhere. I looked in the windows and saw some discarded papers , folding chairs & light fixtures laying around. I was surprised that they didn't have a sign like, We have moved to a new KH on 1313 Mockingbird lane, call elder Kumquat for directions and meeting times, etc. This past year I was visting family and I drove by the building and I saw a road widening round-about project had taken over the land the KH had been sitting on.- no KH-demolished. So I guess they were bought out by Caesar, but I am still wondering why they had no moving sign anywhere. Isn't that an admission that nobody in the community gives a rats ass what the JWs do or where their meetings are?
KH closes without any sign or notice- why?
by moshe 14 Replies latest jw friends
We had one in the UK that was sold off and rebuilt as a mosque for the moslems. How do the bethell explain that ?
Oh it was a bizz nus decision
OutLaw! you are right- they know the community is not in love with them. . Also, I had been known to visit that KH over the last 10 years and leave special flyers there- on the cars ( no it's not 2for1 pizza coupon under your wiper), flyers scattered in the parking lot and somebody (a JW kid I hoped) would pick them up. Maybe they didn't want Moshe to know where they moved to!
There was no quick build KH in the paper, so maybe they just merged into another KH- dropping that book study made that easy to fit another cong in. . Do you suppose the JWs dopes in the KH gave all the money from the sale of the KH to the WT- where the need was so much greater?
So rite outlaw!!! HHG loves ya posts
This happens when it realized that the congregation is small and it becomes difficult to maintain with the needed elders in all.
If there is little in the way of contributions coming in, this has another possible effect.
What usually happens then is they move that congregation over to one which is already established and sell
the property forwarding the money to the WTS. or use the funds of the sale to pay any amount owning on the new formed double congregation.
Either way the WTS wins. I know of two Halls that were sold right in prime real-esate of Vancouver where I live, each of those properties
were at least worth half a million a piece.
I'm quite sure that those properties being very old were donated by people, so hows that for a profit for a organization that didn't do a dam
thing for except ruin some people lives.
There are undeniable reasons why the WTS. is worth over a billion dollars today. $$$
Its both a power playing and a money making game for those boys.
Well, the WT probably gets a lot more money from selling a KH (assuming the proceeds go to them) than the puny contributions they receive each month for the next 10 years from the publishers in that failing KH. I think it was around 1974 that I helped build this KH- that was back when they still put in nice windows.
Also, I would imagine that you would still need to own the property to keep signs notifying the public where you have moved...