All they want you to do is anything that will make you feel depressed.
Thay just do not want you to do anything that is fun
by I need a lot of help 12 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, I've noticed that...
I guess it's because depressed people are less energetic and easier to control... Plus, depressed people will tend to look OUTSIDE themselves for solutions, whereas a person with a good sense of humor - and a good sense of self - is more likely to maintain a positive outlook which promotes independence...
And we all know that the Watchtower organization DREADS independent thinking!!! That's probably one of the main reasons the Watchtower boys strongly discourage higher education...
In other words, having FUN gives one a STRONG sense of self... And that tends to negate social/milieu/mind control...
Bungi Bill
Sad - but only too true!
Watching TV, playing sport, hobbies, music and other cultural activities; in fact, everything except:
- attending meetings,
- preparing for meetings,
- hawking WTS literature on people's doorsteps,
Add to that the 40 hours a week you have worked at your "secular job" (how I loathe that expression!), very little time for any thing else, anyway.
Think About It
This crazy cult doesn't even like it when it's members get together to try to have some fun. "Large gatherings" are discouraged? WTF.....I never could understand that one. It had nothing to do with protecting the flock from spiritual dangers, it was all about CONTROL.
Think About It
nancy drew
They want every minute of your time and if they can't get it they want you to feel guilty for anything you would do for yourself necessary or unnecessary.
They might claim this is not true. However, look at the music the witlesses listen to. Most of them listen to the soft rock stations (and I mean, very soft rock), and even then they are worried about the bad song that shows up. There are very few artists that have mostly clean recordings--and I don't think any have every song they put out totally clean. Even groups like Genesis, which are mostly clean, have a few songs that deal in religion ("Jesus He Knows Me" comes to mind). So, it is impossible to safely find music to listen to.
The TV is another matter. They are told that most shows are bad in some way. So you watch the children's shows--no sex, violence, drugs, or other items of that kind. However, one such show has incidents about someone having a connection with animals and Zulu festivals, which many a hounder would find objective and lord it on the flock. Another, back in the 1970s, had a sitter that always seemed to know when the phone was going to ring and had a connection with the children (who were hard to raise) and their animals; again many a hounder is going to stifle that. Even the National Geographic shows have the E word (evolution). Plus, the witlesses are worried that TV will cause them to miss boasting sessions or stint on field circus.
As if that wasn't enough, I have noticed a trend since the early 1990s. Back then, they used to have the occasional congregation picnic. They listened to the sissiest, wussiest "music(??)" on the radio, and would play the sissiest, wussiest versions of sports during these. These days, even those are gone--through the 1990s, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has been cracking down on that. Even having a couple of families getting together for board games (and no, I don't mean the Ouija board) or listening to this sissy music is condemned. Seems I never saw any of these parties or get-togethers degenerate into a fornication festival, fights breaking out, or people starting to smoke weed or snort coke.
Shortly after I was df'd there was a local needs talk based on social gatherings. Suggesting that we were to keep the gatherings to a small group. This way, if there would be any alcohol served it could be kept under control. If it did get out of control, the one who hosted the gathering would be held responsible for the goings on of the event.
This was the case when I was df'd. The brother who made the arrangements for bowling, collected the money and reserved the lanes, was held responsible for that whole night. They took away his mic/reading/sound/literature responsibilities. He had worked SO hard for those only to be taken away from him. This was NOT an event that he held at his home, nor did he purchase any alcohol for the event. Everyone was responsible for their own actions, yet he was diciplined for it.
They have even gone as far as to say that if we would not participate in something as a christian, that we would not want to watch it on tv or in the movies. They may as well say that we can no longer have tv's in our homes, or access to the internet.
There was a demonstration at an assembly about a year ago where they showed a brother interested in buying a technical gadget, like a palm or something of that matter. He went to check it out but when the store clerk showed him the manual on learning the gadget he decided that it would take time out of his service to Jah to learn how to use it. So he walked away without buying it.
I guess I could go on and on and many ways of controlling our lives.
I know it is so ridiculous. Bunch of control freaks.
Darth plaugeis
Even the Internet is the Devils way to sneak into your House so becareful.......
You might find Darth Plaugeis sitting next you in your living room....
now that's scarey!