need help re 607 date

by hosebracket 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • hosebracket

    Hi all

    I am new to this.

    I have a problem. Someone on my ministry asked me about the date that we hold so dear....607 BCE and asked me to prove it to them. This would not be a problem I thought as the F&DS would have solid basis for using such a date. Welll I looked at the encyclopedias at the back of the hall and every single one said that the first fall of Jerusalem was in 587 BCE. I then got in touch with the British Museum and they said the same thing. I even asked them if this date could be wrong and they replied "no" as the evidence is overwhelming. I have to return to this person to answer the question. To be honest I dont think that I have a case.

    Hose bracket

  • Frenchy

    Have you done some research in the Society's publications as to how they arrive at that date? Once you do you can then present this to the householder in this fashion:
    Our religion teaches that Jerusalem fell in 607 B.C.E. and here is the reasoning used. (present the argument)
    However, in all fairness, this is what reputable secular sources say about the matter: (present that information)
    I envy you; this should be an interesting call!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Venice

    If you really want to read something interesting that will really help it's called, 'Gentile times Reconsidered'by Olaf Johnson. It was written by a brother who was asked the same question in service while he was pioneering. He did extensive reaserch and it's an excellent book for anyone interested in the fall of Jerusalem.


  • Carmel

    Don't know much about "607" but me thinks we're in for a possible repeat in 2001! East Jeru will go along with the temple mount! real sooooon now!

    carmel selling tickets

  • thinker

    Welcome Horsebracket,
    This is a sticky question as I just recently found out. You may want to go to the folder, see why 1914 is wrong. There is some very interesting information that my husband posted dealing with the year 607. You will find it interesting to say the least.
    Thinkers Wife

  • hosebracket

    what is th eaddress of the folder?


  • thinker

    Click on "Active Topics" at top, right of this page.
    Then go to "page 2" of the active topices page.(bottom of page)
    Look for "1914?..."


  • Xandit

    horsebracket, you might get a copy of the book on Revelation by Tim LaHaye and Jenkins?, I think. The guys that are doing the "Left Behind" series. The book on Revelation is not a novel, it's supposed to be an explanation of the 'end times' as related to Revelation. At any rate, they list 607 as the date of Jerusalem's destruction. Interesting I thought, surprised me. I wonder how many others use that date. These guys are pretty mainstream, at least evangelically mainstream.

  • Sassenach
    . At any rate, they list 607 as the date of Jerusalem's destruction.

    That is interesting. Do they arrive at the date in the same manner, counting backwards 70 years from 537 BC? Has there ever been any evidence to support 607 outside of the 70 years mentionned in the bible?

    Although interesting, it doesn't surprise me if they insist on biblical inerrancy.

  • Frenchy

    Just a side bar here: The poster is HOSEbracket and not HORSEbracket.

    Is a horsebracket akin to a mounting block? Just curious.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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