I have been THINKING about this for over 10 years with VERY extensive research on the subject 4-6 hour a day...but it doesn't really matter anyway because EVERYONE on thi splanet is going to hear it in "Formal Announcements" sometime early this year...and you won't be able to deny it because of all the evidence you will see and hear.
End of the world is May 21, 2011
by observador 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mad Sweeney
Jeez, and I was afraid I was obsessive about certain topics. Looks like I'm in the clear, sanity-wise.
Unfortunately they are misguided. It appears that they haven't studied the bible.
For those that think the world will be ending on May 21st....Sign all of your worldly good over to me effective May 22nd and put your money where your mouth is.
You have until September to get your affairs in order, so no worries.
Whew... that's good to know. No one wants the end of the world to happen before summer...I mean I've got a beach house booked. I'd hate to lose the deposit...
Harold Camping also predicted the return of Christ for 1994, so we are already dealing with a "revised" chronology. Oops.
Now, look at this sentence:
"If May 21 passes and I'm still here, that means I wasn't saved. Does that mean God's word is inaccurate or untrue? Not at all," Warden said.
I don't know, but it sure sounds a lot like Russel preparing a escape door if things don't happen, huh?
Prediction for the world end is A very profitable business, look
at the JW,s. You chances would be greater predicting Osama
Bin Laden location then predicting the world end. Last I heard
there is A 10million $$ reward on Osama. Hell, just pick A location
on the map and tell them I think I saw Osama, you might get it
right one day and collect 10 big one.
Hey Observador, How are you doing? I've been away from here for quite a while now, but had to check in to see if anyone caught this article on this new cult. I was hoping it was the J.W.'s but sadly it isn't.
So, on that thought, has the Watchtower Society hinted about a new end date lately? They are way overdue for that. I want so bad for them to predict a new date, just so I can sit outside my daughter's house the day after the "end" with a cup of coffe and donut, and looking up at the sky in wonderment.
Oh, and thanks for putting the link in for the article. I wasn't able to do it myself.