How Does the Society Select Watchtower and Awake Agenda

by Band on the Run 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    They have a computer programme called MC 1 which writes most of the material for them, and it rehashes old articles quite happily as well as adding the odd up to date reference so the Dubs don't notice, although my great niece at the age of three said loudly during one WT study :

    " Heard it all before, same old stuff" , her parents kept their heads down, everybody knew she was repeating what they had said !

    By the way, ref. the programme MC 1, M C stands for mind control.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Seriously, I am curious in the truth. Jokes are a fine interlude. I believe the selection of topics reveal much about the Society. My own observation is that Society gets lost on tangents. Part of the brainwashing is data dumping to overhwelm converts. As a child, I was very impressed by their world knowledge and many citations to worldy encyclopedias. It provided an aura of reliability. Invariably, they are correct about minor points. Who has the power to set the agenda?

    I could take the Awake. In fact, it made me sophisticated compared to my low-functioning classmates. The Watchtower study was always sheer torture.

    This may be off-topic. I was doing legal research on the Establishment Clause and accidentally came across a law journal article dealing with the WTS during Japan's militarism. To my horror, not a single mention was made of a single individual JW who faced severe persecution bravely. It was majestic in tone praising the WTBTS. It seemed to summarize the Society in a nutshell. Secondly, I looked at the credentials of the author. A female lawyer from middling college and law school. I fought like hell to attend college. Why was the author better than me? Why wasn't she working in the laundry or cleaning toilet bowls. It seems that attorney is not a female role.

  • VM44
    They routinely do certain subjects every year,

    Like the same time every The Watchotwer publishes those "Honor Jehovah with your valuable things," and "Charitable Contributions" articles asking for money?

  • processor

    Actually, when I wrote my articles for Erbrechet! and The Witchtower, I sometimes accidentally mistypes the year (e. g. opened the May 15, 1985 issue instead of May 15, 1986). I had several cases where this happened, and I found an article about the exactly same topic as in the "correct" year. So, they seem to have some yearly schedule.

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