If you've read some of my previous topics you can kind of get an idea of where I am right now.
I'm still living at home. I just turned 22 years old. A couple months ago I confessed my true feelings and beliefs to the elders. The elders have been stopping by non-stop to "encourage" me. So here's the first thing I'm wondering. Why have they not mentioned anything about having a judicial committee meeting yet? How soon do you think I can expect it? They know I've been on apostate websites and have told them apostate views on the organization. How much longer until they try to disfellowship me?
Here's another thing I'm wondering about. I had been talking to my mom and stepdad about moving out. They are kicking my sister and her husband out of the other house they own because they aren't paying rent and are willing to let me live there for very cheap until my brother and his girlfriend get married in summer and then they would move in along with me. They told me I could do this as soon as my sister and her husband move out. They know the whole situation of my "independent" thinking. They know I'm probably going to get disfellowshipped. Why are they letting me move into that house? A couple theories I have are maybe my mom wants to have an excuse to be able to talk to me after the disfellowshipping. Another thing I thought of is maybe the elders, since my stepdad is an MS, are trying to get them to push me out of the house and my mom and stepdad don't want to just kick me out.
I'm very confused by the whole situation. Maybe somebody here could shed some light on both of my questions.