The Secret You- The Search For Consciousness. How do we know who we are?

by whereami 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    With the help of a hammer-wielding scientist, Jennifer Aniston and a general anaesthetic, Professor Marcus du Sautoy goes in search of answers to one of science's greatest mysteries: how do we know who we are? While the thoughts that make us feel as though we know ourselves are easy to experience, they are notoriously difficult to explain. So, in order to find out where they come from, Marcus subjects himself to a series of probing experiments.

    He learns at what age our self-awareness emerges and whether other species share this trait. Next, he has his mind scrambled by a cutting-edge experiment in anaesthesia. Having survived that ordeal, Marcus is given an out-of-body experience in a bid to locate his true self. And in Hollywood, he learns how celebrities are helping scientists understand the microscopic activities of our brain. Finally, he takes part in a mind-reading experiment that both helps explain and radically alters his understanding of who he is.

    This should generate plenty of "thoughts" on the subject. Pun intended.


  • poppers

    Thanks; looks to be quite interesting.

  • whereami

    It absolutely is poppers. I hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to your opinion on it.

  • poppers

    That was absolutely fascinating. Science seems to be zeroing in on what consciousness is, something I thought would never happen. Especially interesting to me was the experiement where consciousness was "placed" into another's body.

  • Lillith26

    OK, the first couple of minutes have definatly grabbed my attention- so I'am off to make a coffee and possibly some popcorn... I think better when I'm munching....

    Thank you for posting the video- I'll comment when I've finnished watching it... but it looks great so far

  • whereami

    You're welcome Lillith26. I'm also looking forward to your comments.

  • ProdigalSon

    I haven't had time to watch this one yet, but I suspect it's along the same lines as the Russian research I've been looking into, particularly by Fosar-Bludorf. They are coming up with some quite compelling evidence that we are indeed connected to a higher consciousness.

    If someone had told us 50 years ago that one day in our lifetime we would all be connected via the Internet, we would have said they were crazy. If someone tells us today that we will one day be connected in the same way but without a computer, we would say they were crazy. Well, its coming through a DNA upgrade that the Bible foretold, when it said that the 12 tribes of Israel would come together for good.

    How much John 17 makes sense to me now, scientifically!

    I had this very long and very frustrating conversation with my friend's JW mother last night. I told her about the 11 year old kid that was on Fox News, who had vivid memories of his WWII experiences, including names, dates, places and events. She basically chalked it up to the kid being possessed by Satan.

    What a shock, eh?

    Thanks for posting this!

  • Lillith26

    I thought it was a very honest approach to studing human consciousness, the science methods used were facinating.......

    The bit I found most interesting was where the scans showed what he would do 6 seconds before he made the choice- I wonder if given more time to choose what the results would look like and if they would be as accurate.....

    I have myself wondered- where do 'I' go when 'I' am asleep? and if 'I' go nowhere, why do 'I' remember my dreams?

    Great documentary.... I give it a big

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I want to watch but will have to wait until I get home from work, probably.

  • whereami

    I'm sure you'll enjoy it Mad.


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