by fokyc 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, fokyc!
On the "Highlights" in the OKM:
In Ireland,,It boasts a "new peak" in pioneers, that almost 12% of Total publishers are at 554 reg. pioneers. However, on the 2009 Service Report it showed 'Avg. Pio.' was 638.
Now, to Total Pubs, estimate now, 12% of x = 554, x would be 4,617. (because they say "almost" 12%, the possible Total pubs. would be a little higher, not much tho) The 2009 Service Report showed avg, pubs. was 5,713. Of course, I don't know their claim of pubs. and pio. on their 2010 Service Report yet. But based on this clearly there is a 'sizable' decrease in pubs. since 2009,
Nonetheless, it is a lie, according to their own record, their "new peak" of pioneers in Ireland is no 'peak' and actually lower than Ireland's previous 'average' of pio. (2009).
Please let me know if I am understanding these numbers correctly