David Icke's site on JW Mind Contol

by Lindy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lindy

    Has anyone seen this site about mind control and Jehovah's Witnesses? Great stuff! Of course, I find David Iche and any of his sites anything but boring.



    (just corrected the URL - Simon)

  • Marilyn

    The URL doesn't work.

  • hungry4life

    Hi Lindy, I would love to look at this site it sounds very interesting. I noticed you spelled David's last name 2 different ways
    Iche and Icke this might be why the address isn't working.

  • Thirdson

    Some of us knew David Icke when he used to anchor BBC TV Saturday afternoon sports. (He was a former soccer player) That was before he joined the Green party and before he declared himself the Messiah. He was good as a sports anchor though.


  • CPiolo
  • dmouse

    Of course the WBTS uses mind control techniques.

    But I'm sorry, this 'pictures of faces within a picture' stuff is just bollocks. It makes me angry because it may turn off questioning JWs. It will emphasise in their minds how wacky apostates are.

    It is human nature to see faces in the world around us, my God, you'll be seeing faces in the rocks on Mars next!

  • Lindy

    I don't agree with the subliminals myself, you can find them where you want. But the mind control is the thing that got me.

    I put an extra > at the end, that's a no-no, sorry. But I see that someone fixed it. Thanks, Cpiolo

    The Messiah? Hmm. Hadn't heard that one yet. Can you explain that further, please? Seriously. I would like to know. I never got that from reading his stuff. But, then again, I haven't read all his stuff. Could you point to some specifics for me? Thanks.

    Hungry for life,
    Just a typo in the spelling. I copy pasted the link so it was right except for the > at the end. My bad.

    As Always,

  • Abaddon

    "This is part of the reptilian control of our planet."

    (From the David Icke URL quoted above)

    As Thirdson has pointed out, old David boy has been providing humourous interludes to the British media and public for well over a decade now. He is a one-man nut house.

    As for subliminals, isn't it amazing how people obsessive enough to look and find these images cannot be bothered to do some research at the pattern-finding, and especially face-finding abilities of the human brain.

    Even if there isn't a face, uur brains will find it.

    (edited as attempt to make a face out of text in this post failed as the justification screws it up)

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • hillary_step


    David Ike is a lovable loony, had he been alive in the Victorian era he would no doubt be living in a wind-swept castle trying to graft the head of a chicken onto his St. Bernard.

    His 'anchor man' is a client of mine and an accomplished film-producer. He is as lovable and as much a lunatic as his boss.

    I have spent many an eye-glazed hour listening to tales of a world-wide Masonic takeover of the music industry, messages in crop-circles, reptilian powers alive and well in the politicians of the day, numerology, bank note power etc. etc.

    The team are on the move constantly, travelling all over the world looking for freaks of nature and the nature of freaks.

    I was regailed recently with photographs of massive elongated pear-shaped skulls that have been found in South America and are being studied at present apparently. They certainly looked interesting, but no-where near as interesting as the look on the face of the man who was showing them to me. Elmer Gantry eat your heart out!

    All I can say is that these people are as convinced in their 'truth' as any person that I have ever known, but a world full of Ikian's would probably stave away any of the feelings of weary boredom that come with other peoples 'truth'.


  • Moxy

    mind control techniques is a total red herring, fueled by fear and media sensationalism. subliminal suggestion is an urban legend, thoroughly debunked. i was thinking i might write up a review of eileen barkers book 'The Making of a Moonie' sometime here which touches on these issues, but i could barely waste time on rank stupidity like:

    The evil empire is a spider web with millions of connections to uncover. This is part of the reptilian control of our planet. If the concept of reptilians seems strange to you, replace the word with satanic forces or demons, which under scrutiny you find in art, history, and scriptures they are one and the same. And this evil reptilian manipulation has infilitrated all religions, governments, political parties, corporations, et.al.

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