David Ike is a lovable loony, had he been alive in the Victorian era he would no doubt be living in a wind-swept castle trying to graft the head of a chicken onto his St. Bernard.
His 'anchor man' is a client of mine and an accomplished film-producer. He is as lovable and as much a lunatic as his boss.
I have spent many an eye-glazed hour listening to tales of a world-wide Masonic takeover of the music industry, messages in crop-circles, reptilian powers alive and well in the politicians of the day, numerology, bank note power etc. etc.
The team are on the move constantly, travelling all over the world looking for freaks of nature and the nature of freaks.
I was regailed recently with photographs of massive elongated pear-shaped skulls that have been found in South America and are being studied at present apparently. They certainly looked interesting, but no-where near as interesting as the look on the face of the man who was showing them to me. Elmer Gantry eat your heart out!
All I can say is that these people are as convinced in their 'truth' as any person that I have ever known, but a world full of Ikian's would probably stave away any of the feelings of weary boredom that come with other peoples 'truth'.