Now that you've responded so clearly and really made what you consider to be your "arguments", let's see what they are after we drill down on your actual responses:
:I didn't say he was wrong to make money.
:I also didn't say he was "wrong" to make money.
You said that twice, so it is important to see what you actually said and from that, I think some empirical evidence can be found:
You said:
:Bill O'Reilly is a genius at making $$$$$
Anything wrong with that? Should you have any problem with people who are a genius at making $$$$$? If so, why so?
:All he is is a great salesman. That's all he is.
Anything wrong with that? Without great salesmen, commerce in this Country would have never grown to make us the greatest Nation which ever existed. You appear to resent people with those skills and who earn the rewards of those skills. For the record, the highest and lowest paid profession in the world is the salesman. Most people cannot make it in that field and 5% of the those salesman make 80% of all the money. Whether you like it or not, you just paid Bill OReilly a huge complement.
:He hawks book, and his 'premium membership' web site and his 'bold fresh' coffee cups and his speaking tours constantly constantly constantly.
If no one wanted them, he could "hawk" until he was hoarse, but guess what? LOTS of people likes what he "hawks"? Have YOU "hawked" anything recently and been successful at it, or do you just push papers around working for a boss, collecting your paycheck and resenting the real movers and shakers who do what you cannot do, lisa? Do you even have the brass to try to "hawk" something YOU offer that people might want, or are you just a coward who is afraid to take a chance and you hate people who do take chances and win?
:Buy buy buy! bold fresh! bold fresh! bold fresh!! PREMIUM!
Yes!!! Ain't it great? And guess what? NOBODY has to BUY ANYTHING he offers!
:He tells 'the folks'* what they want to hear and 'the folks'* really love to give him their money!
In simple terms, you said it all: he gives the people what they want. Your only counter argument to that is, "it's better to give the people what they do not want, and those who give them what they do want are bad, bad, bad."
Then you cap it all off with the idiot's logical fallacy: the red herring:
:(I bet you dollars to donuts he's really atheist.)
:ETA: Also I had no idea he went to Harvard. Wow. How ELITE of him.
Hate people who paid that sacrifice of work and money, lisa? How noble of you.
: Why don't YOU stop F-ing putting words in my mouth!
Can't put words in your mouth. No room. Your foot is solidly planted in your mouth.
:LOL!!!! Who are you, Joe McCarthy??
Red Herring #2, plus ad hominem and To Quoque argumentum, to boot! Wow! the triple crown of fallacies!