An Open letter to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses (Elders/ Ex-Elders)

by stuckinamovement 123 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement

    Thanks Daniel,

    I came to a similar realization to what you just described and wrote a post about the situation some of us are in.

    It is nice to have your perspective on the board. I agree that some of the GB may be just as trapped. However they need to stop pretending to be the voice of God. Its a process for many of us to break the chains that bind.


  • 00DAD

    PS - At some point, we all have to acknowledge to ourselves, that by publicly remaining in the organization, we become complicit in the hypocrisy which we secretly condemn. Remember, you're an example to the flock. They're watching. - 1 Peter 5:3

  • stuckinamovement

    I agree about with you about being hypocritical. That is why I resigned as an elder. I couldn't live with myself and teach something that I did not believe. I couldn't disfellowship someone when I thought the whole arrangement was unloving. I couldn't set the example in the ministry when I felt it was a bloody waste of time. I couldn't give public talks when I felt like the things I was teaching the congregation were wrong. The scriptures talk about teachers bearing a heavier judgement. You had better be convinced of something yourself if you are going to teach others.

    So to minimize my own hypocrisy and to live with myself as a human being I quit. I don't feel like a hypocrite anymore because I am actively fading, no longer go in service, and do not support the WTBS in any way, except for attendance at the meetings. My honesty with my wife as to why I resigned as an elder has caused her to re-examine the things she was taught from infancy. Within a year we will be out and inactive, we will still have contact with our families and will start our new life. Its a process. We all have different methods when it comes to maintaining our personal integrity. Some methods work for some, and other methods work for others. The end result is the important thing.


  • 00DAD


    You're essay on the Watchtower Penitentiary was powerful. Thanks for sharing!

    Siam wrote "they [GB] need to stop pretending to be the voice of God."

    Agreed. But if the leaders won't lead, then we shouldn't follow!

    Or as Churchill said, "A man that won't stand for something will fall for anything."


  • 00DAD


    I wish you much success on your fade. It's good that your wife is with you in this. Keep me, and all of us, posted!


  • cantleave

    00Dad - Welcome. I hear what you are saying on your post No1 about being an elder with doubts - Been there myself.

  • factfinder

    Excellent letter!

  • free2beme

    Why is it we get one of these every once in awhile? Seems odd to me ... but, oh well. Self masterbate your mind in to thinking it is otherwise ... otherwise, as in 'waste of time and effort.'

  • a66s

    Wow.... I just found your letter and now I have to go back and re-read all the posts. I am about to change to a different congregation and will decline "privileges" even though I will no doubt receive a glowing letter of recommendation from the elder body in my old congregation. Many people (including my wife and parents) are upset with me for wanting to do this. I have told them all that I'm burned out and want to take a break, which is true! But I also cannot be on the platform teaching things that I no longer feel are the "TRUTH". I was baptized at 13. What did I know then? What kind of experience in life did I have that would enable me to make such a life or death decision?

    Anyway, your post really impacted me and applied to my situation. My whole life/family is built around this organization so I'm not going to become a flag-waving apostate, but I can longer be responsible for what happens to anybody else but myself.

  • 00DAD

    a66s, welcome!

    You've got a lot ahead of you.

    This thread was also the first one I posted to on this forum six months ago.

    Take your time, read through all the posts here and reflect carefully on any decisions you make. In particular, be very careful what you say about your awakening to the fact that JWs do not have the "Truth". Proceed with caution.

    Keep us posted,


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