I agree about with you about being hypocritical. That is why I resigned as an elder. I couldn't live with myself and teach something that I did not believe. I couldn't disfellowship someone when I thought the whole arrangement was unloving. I couldn't set the example in the ministry when I felt it was a bloody waste of time. I couldn't give public talks when I felt like the things I was teaching the congregation were wrong. The scriptures talk about teachers bearing a heavier judgement. You had better be convinced of something yourself if you are going to teach others.
So to minimize my own hypocrisy and to live with myself as a human being I quit. I don't feel like a hypocrite anymore because I am actively fading, no longer go in service, and do not support the WTBS in any way, except for attendance at the meetings. My honesty with my wife as to why I resigned as an elder has caused her to re-examine the things she was taught from infancy. Within a year we will be out and inactive, we will still have contact with our families and will start our new life. Its a process. We all have different methods when it comes to maintaining our personal integrity. Some methods work for some, and other methods work for others. The end result is the important thing.