I apologize for insulting you, and in no way meant to encourage other forum members to join in an attack on your dignity.
You posted this my initial thread:
Stay in the Watchtower Corporation. Cowards who want others to fight their fights do not deserve real freedom.
I really felt bullied by this insult to any current poster who is "on the fence", and subsequent posts I read of yours within threads I had commented on seemed abusive and disrespectful to me. If you agree that this was not their original intent, then I will redact my challange of your character. No doubt, anyone would understand that this is a highly emotional time in my life, and I felt the need to put my foot on the ground and defend myself from being cast as an idiot.
In my own defense, and for what it's worth, maybe you could consider being less abrasive in some of your posts (since you seem to be somewhat known for it), especially those that relate to a newcomer to the forum. I feel that people who come here (especially me) are looking for acceptance and an open environment to express themselves, because they do not find this to be the case within in organzization that claims to "love" them.
People don't need to be insulted in order to "wake up," as you also mentioned was your aim in that post. They need facts, reasoning ability, and most importantly, time. I've been programmed by The Watchtower since birth. A couple of radical (althouh well-meaning) forum posts will not automatically undo that. Please forgive me if that seems naive on my part, it's just my opinion.
I respect IMMENSELY, honesty and straigh-forwardness when they are paired with taste and tact. I'm sure that I will learn to appreciate your "style" the longer I am here, so don't feel like I would view you as an opponent for the future of my membership here. That would not be the case. I also hope that you would not view me that way.
Not that it is any of my business, but I encourage you not to let this prevent you from sharing your story. I did not read the first section before I made that post yesterday and it had no bearing on my comments whatsoever. I can't say the same for anyone else who posted adversely about your character.
Thanks in advance for understanding my position and accepting my sincere apology.