Hell No! I never even told on people I didn't like. When I was young I would gladly tell on myself rather than rat my friends out. I just didn't think it was cool.
Did You Ever Fink On Another Witness?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
man in black
Oh yea,
When I was in HS back in 1977 the son of our PO was really getting deeply involved in heavy drug use. I went along and just drank alot just to fit in. He was hanging around with a group of late teen age users/dealers in an apartment building. I remember one guy from the group whose nickname was "the sarge".
He was one of those special forces guys that are found in the Marines, in fact he would tell everyone how easily he could kill someone really fast, and the method he used and the cause of death would be impossible for anyone to find out.. I was 17, and this guy really scared me, esp. when he was high and or drunk. The PO's son really liked him.
So one night my friend was really hitting the bottle and pills, and a few people and him took off to go to the store to get some more booze and cigs. I got kind of freaked out because of the sarge, and I took this opportunity to leave quickly. I was driving home and like a good/guilt ridden young jw I went over to the PO's house to talk about his son.
He was home along with his wife and other son, so I spillled the whole story to them that night. They all went over to the apartment building and picked their son up. This was a Friday night.
Sunday at the meeting I got the whole "well done", and how "spiritual" I was from all the elders.
Yet the one thing that I remember from that weekend is how ALL of the young teenagers started to treat me like I was a leper.It was a real eye opening experience for me about how "caring" people were at the hall.
And by the way, my friend was df'ed several week later and I did not see him again for over twenty years.
Never. But then again I never knew anything bad about anybody because I was a GOOD girl. I do know some things about others now that I would like to fink on if push came to shove with my honny and I, but NLW tells me to be good. GRRRR.
NLW's wife
I haven't told on anyone, but I know my brother has... My brother worked for an elder and worked very hard out in all weathers window cleaning. The elders window cleaning round was very large and used younger brothers to help him out.
My brother worked for him for a number of weeks and this elder refused to pay him, this went on for a number of months in the end my brother told him to stuff his job and told on him to the other elders, he told more than one so it was not covered up...........When my brother was telling me this I thought he was on about refusing to pay him.........but no this elder kept a Hugh supply of porno mags in the back of his van....Perhaps thats were my brother's wages went.
No,but towards the end of it,it seemed like I was being called into the"back room" almost every meeting.Being quizzed about this one or that or asked aboyt myself,why I chose to wear inappropriate clothing to the meetings,why I had to have a convertible car{inbeciles},why I had to play guitar in a band,why why why..Now I realize that they just wanted to be in the back room w/me alone.Barstardos
No, I didn't. I bought a public reproof rather than narking on others. It bought me respect from my peers.
Well Of course ...I was a very obedient JW I had a friend who was showing me
around her house ,( she wasnt a JW) her boyfriend was...she said "this is where
Bob & I sleep????So I did what I was ordered to do by the SUBS for Christ???
I went to Bob first, he didnt listen, I took two other JWs to talk to him ,he didnt care
so took it to the Congregation He was DF... Got reinstated when he married my friend
Then I caught him smoking went again to him,then witnesses ,then the elders, he was DF
Then he got cancer of the throat,got reinstated & THANKED ME for helping him!!!!He died !!
as a faithful JW....He was a great guy!!! Hope he speaks to me when I get "UP" there
Yes as you know I am the stupid, Mouthy,that did all I was told to do... -