JK Part 4

by JRK 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • flipper

    JK- You had a lot dumped on you at an early age for sure. The fact you were conducting a book study at age 13 was evidence of either elders dumping on you or else stalking you while conducting. That is horrific that you were abused by this elder- even having to cower under the dash to get away while out in service ! So sorry you had to go through that my friend.

    One question I had : because you were the only male in your family who a JW - did your mom expect you to be the " little man " of the house , the " spiritual " head ? I know there was a time period my ex-wife did this to my older son !

    Going through what you went through was REALLY traumatizing > I'm glad you have overcome it and found some happiness in life

  • JRK

    "JK- You had a lot dumped on you at an early age for sure. The fact you were conducting a book study at age 13 was evidence of either elders dumping on you or else stalking you while conducting. That is horrific that you were abused by this elder- even having to cower under the dash to get away while out in service ! So sorry you had to go through that my friend.

    One question I had : because you were the only male in your family who a JW - did your mom expect you to be the " little man " of the house , the " spiritual " head ? I know there was a time period my ex-wife did this to my older son !

    Going through what you went through was REALLY traumatizing > I'm glad you have overcome it and found some happiness in life. Peace out, Mr. Flipper"

    Not really, my sisters were older than me. My eldeest sister, 10 1/2 years older; and Barb was 3 1/2. I didn't get the pressure your son did. Please let him know that I am sorry for him.

    As for the abuse and those years, I still have a large gap of time with no memory whatever. I know that people on here will advise me to go to counseling; but I did that, to no avail. The brain is a pretty tough organ. Those memories are just gone. Years of my life, except for little snippits. My Junior High and High school memories are spotty at best.


  • OnTheWayOut

    There's always electro-shock therapy. Or how about you read someone's life story and substitute their memories for your blank spot. Might as well choose a babe-magnet like Richard Gere.

  • JRK


    I don't like Richard Gere, or gerbils. My memories are good enough; as spotty as they are. I had enough interest from the ladies; I was just was too fucked up to take advantage of it. If I had it to do all over again . . .


  • 3Mozzies
    They had me conducting a book study at age 13.

    That is just plain wrong!

    Somewhere around this time, my mentor became a pervert and tried to grope me in an unwholesome way in field service.

    I feel so angry hearing about this while knowing my JW family think that this is gods clean organization....BULLSHIT it is!


  • JRK


    It is too fucking to explain,



    Love you dude,


  • JRK

    Okay, I got divorced from my JW wife.

    She was a slut according to them.

    TIred tonight to go further,


    That was in the 80's


  • 3Mozzies

    JK, stay strong my friend! Don't let this shitty cult tear you down.

    Life normally gets better when you leave, unless you have been damaged from your past so badly that you can't let go. If so find help wherever possible. At the very very least let it all out here or PM me if you like, whatever works for you.

    I feel for you my friend, even though I can NEVER imagine the pain you went through or the pain you are experiencing now.

    Time helps heal but people helping you along the way speeds things up.


    *update* Just saw what you wrote about your ex-wife. Man that must kill you inside.

  • karter


    The brain has a way of blocking out bad experance's ,it's kinda like a protection.

    Enjoying your storie's.


  • 3Mozzies

    JK, I wrote that before I saw that it was in the 80's.

    Happy New Year :)


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