The end

by Garrett 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Garrett
    Garrett I can't.

    well, I am officially done trying to explain things to them. They talk in circles, and their excuse for EVERYTHING is "imperfect men".

    1975? Imperfect men!

    rape and molestation? Imperfect men!

    no rules to protect children? Imperfect men!

    1914 ? Imperfect men!

    so what you're saying is.... This organization is no different from the Catholic Church. Dang you sound moronic.

    then you try to reason with them and it gets worst! Them: we need to obey those that take the lead among us and trust them. They are appointed by jehovah

    me: ok, would you trust someone who failed to protect you from harm?

    them: well, if they didn't protect me from harm, no..

    me: (referring to deposition in Candace Conti case) but isn't that exactly what the elder failed to do for candace?

    Them: yeah but they are imperfect men.

    me: but you just said God appointed them so don't they have his Holy Spirit and guidance in how to handle the matter to protect an innocent child?... Fair enough, though... What about the branch letter saying to report the child abuse to them instead of directly to the authorities?

    them: Jehovah's organization has had to learn. They used to celebrate Christmas, the light gets brighter.

    There is NO reasoning with them. I don't know why I even tried. Then they told other people and I had to IM 4 people at once! My brain is going to explode. So I just told them I'm an apostate and that they probably shouldn't speak to a mentally disturbed agent of satan.

    this will be the last you hear about this. Sorry for bothering you over A WASTE OF FUCKING TIME.

    love you all, I'm off to get wasted. Happy Easter.


  • quest81
    Circular reasoning demonstrated.
  • Finkelstein

    1914 and 1975 among the many other dates of significance by the WTS have been perfect

    redeeming acts of commercialization propagated by a religious publishing house, otherwise known as charlatans.

    Why didn't all the many other Christian based religions present these dates ?

    Because they were not backed by bible Scripture .

    Well what do you expect when this religious publishing house is started by amateur bible theologians,

    one a clothing salesman and the other a lawyer . ???

  • Crazyguy

    Ask them what is the good news of the kingdom, after they answer then show them Galations chapter 1 verses 6-10 then ask why their good new is different and why they always talk about Jehovah when the NT clearly talks about being followers in Christ, his name exalted above all others etc. They don't teach or proclaim Christ so according to scripture and every other Christians organization they are anti-Christ's. If this doesn't get anywhere then ask do they exalt themselves , judge others etc. so they are not doing what Jesus told them to-do so again their wrong.

    But I see your point when I pointed out to them their hypocrisy concerning their blood policy and the ,mistakes made concerning their organ and vaccinations policies all they would say is Jehovah will fix it , wait on Jehovah, and Jehovah can resurrect. I responded well then the Catholics can use the same excuses.


    Sadly, I have slowly come to the realization that I cannot reason with any JW. They simply are not ready to process the information, and they may NEVER be ready.

    Fact: The vast majority will be waiting on Jeehoober on their death beds.

    A GIGANTIC, HUGE SCANDAL might wake up some, but not all. Humans are just really stupid for the most part, especially religious ones. We are different from believing/zealous dubs, we don't fit in and we never will. We don't need the emotional blanket of organized religion, therefore we have no problem pointing out inconsistencies in ANY and ALL religions. We can also entertain various ideas without necessarily adopting them. JWs have outsourced their reasoning abilities in exchange for "answers." We just cannot do it, and they fear that becuase it challenges their world view and exposes their fears and ignorance. Some even hate us for it.


  • Ignoranceisbliss


    Take it easy on yourself. My wife whom I live with and have a great life with will not listen to common sense regarding this cult. This indoctrination runs so deep. You have ZERO chance at convincing most dubs. Especially if u r dealing with elders. In my case I have learned to slow down and play the long game.

  • zeb

    As others have said the best defense against this self deluding 'circular-reasoning' is having a productive healthy happy life.

    Leave them to their saucer shallow self condemning misery. Dont waste your breath trying to reason with them. I know this is love you have for them but its a case of throwing pearls to pigs. As IIB just said you have zero chance.

    Go deepen your own life with all the things your were never allowed to as a jw. Take up a musical instrument, take up art, pour you passion into a creative pursuit or do volunteer work. and enjoy evenings where you can go to bed early.



  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake


    in your previous thread I shared with you an incident I had with family. It took me only three times to learn this lesson and I think I'd like to suggest you apply it before anything seriously harms your relationships with any family:

    Just let them be. If they ask me something I say, "it's best we not talk about this, I have my reasons." Whenever they are truly ready to listen you'll be able to tell the difference. I've had a couple of these opportunities and it's different from the regular circular argument.

    I suggest following this model. If you can. The more noise you make the more attention you'll get. In my opinion, it's honestly best to avoid the attention and try to move on. I hope this works for you, but I know every situation is different.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Garrett, Don't be soooo hard on yourself. You at least cared enough to try to help them.

    Instead of discussing doctrine with JWs, what fun, time-consuming, non-JW activities would you enjoy doing with your JW friends? JWs might be JWs for social reasons more than for doctrine. Show JWs that life is more fun outside of the WTBTS so that they might hate being whipped to do more for the WTBTS.

    From what you described it seems like your JW friend(s) had their shields up (i.e., saying imperfect men). Did you ask them a question, like, "What would ever make you want to disassociate/fade from the WTBTS?" If they say, "Nothing.", then they are not ready to critically think for themselves and should be victimized by the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Garrett

    @crazyguy thanks for the suggestions, but this whole thing was seriously detrimental to my mental health. I won't bespeaking to them ever again.

    @jonathan drake yes, thanks for your experience. I had no family to lose since none of them are in the Lie, so I don't really have to worry about that :) im definitely going to remain quite now. I'm done.

    @data-dog yep, I see that now. It's the most moronic thing I've ever experienced.

    @robert, thanks :) I won't be spending time with them these jws are in the states, im in Europe.

    @zeb, yep, I'm thinking of taking up writing or maybe even drawing as another hobby. We'll see :)

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