Why is there so much nastiness on the board lately???

by Lozhasleft 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    Beksbks: "Bohm!!! I'm hurt! I thought we often saw eye to eye on things!!! "

    I was ofcourse referring to BoreanBills latest fit of insanity, I respect and value your oppinions very much. Im sorry for the ambiguity .

    I send you a PM.

    kisses shamus intensely. mmmm. banana flavored kisses...

  • freydo

    Well I agree with Lady Lee up to a point - and it's going to get a lot worse as there is a minority culture here that are "leftists" politically and that are given a platform, but that are really just conceited, self-indulgent jackasses who attempt to marginalize or otherwise silence any whom that hold up a mirror for them to see themselves. I remember a TV show years ago on Sunday mornings that I think was called "Conversations," where various deep thinkers were interviewed. One of them, I can't recall his name - but he was pretty high up in the State Department. He talked about WWI and the fact that it almost wiped out a whole generation of German male youth - which destabilized the whole of German society, leaving only the Nazis and old Von Hindenburgs a few years later. The same thing is basically happening in American with the demasculinization that's been going on for decades leaving women and other pseudo-masculine types that act like rabid animals to fill the void.

  • mouthy

    Funny you should bring this up. I have felt lately the same thing. So I went back & read some of
    the post from 9 years ago, Dansk,Brummie, Eddiec,Uzzah, So many wonderful posters. I felt what
    has happened to the board. ???I seem to end MANY of the posts. Is it because the newbies dont
    like having OLDIES on here? Maybe younguns,feel it is "daft" to read OLD BRODS posts?
    But we must remember the main point that this site is going so long is to help those who
    were captured by a false prophet. ... There are so many wonderful new ones here
    ( I cant remember all
    but wannabefree comes to mind) Let try to get on with one another ,Otherwise
    newbies finding the site & see the nastyness might conclude " WICKED APOSTATES.
    As always MOUTHY will close the post

  • Finally-Free
    As always MOUTHY will close the post

    There's a challenge if I ever saw one.


  • mrsjones5

    and it's going to get a lot worse as there is a minority culture here that are "leftists" politically and that are given a platform, but that are really just conceited, self-indulgent jackasses who attempt to marginalize or otherwise silence any whom that hold up a mirror for them to see themselves.

    In other words: Women who won't shut up.

    lol, I just had to say it.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    WHO THE HELL GIVES A FLYING F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • bohm

    mrsjones: lol, I just had to say it.

    ofcourse you did!

  • streets76

    You can take the boy out of the Kingdom Hall, but you can't take the Kingdom Hall out of the boy. [But I repeat myself.]

  • DagothUr

    Because we are not blessed with the unity of God's people, the Jehovah's Witnesses. We lost Jehovah's spirit and that's why we are bound to squabble among ourselves.

  • GrandmaJones

    Just ignoring Freydo....

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