No, I did not. If they had just used some attractive pictures, it would have been okay. But as WTWizard said, they had "guilt trips". Days for service marked. THe pictures themselves were manipulative, trying to guilt you to more service/meeting attendance/study. I hated them.
Did you like the Society's calendars?
by JimmyPage 29 Replies latest jw friends
LOL @ YNOT!!! Teee heee It always bothered me that to be a good JW you NEED a large personal calander/day planner to record all of the RV's Hours Placements Studies Service CO Visits SAD's DA's ect ect ect. However the "calander" that is not "FREE" has no room to schedule a dentist apt on it. And so you donate for the rag...and then you have to buy an aftermarket unspiritual day planner to fill. LOL this year I have a beautiful day planner from Christain Art Publishers very nice and very upliftling!
I never really cared for them. They didn't include the holidays so I always had to check another calendar anyway to see when I had time off from work. I'm talking about those less popular holidays like presidents day etc. Hated the service reminders, as if we didn't hear that enough each week. All in all, I think they sucked.
There's an interesting link to the pic Yknot posted here:
Funny how the society tried to created a stand alone calendar back in 1935 and it fizzled.
I used to like the artwork of the bible scenes, they had some talented artists in Bethel I thought.
There was one that showed the branch offices one year- I liked that one. I wished they had done one featuring the printing branches with the production statistics and size of the printery, but of course they didn't and don't- they don't want us to have that info. Yes- they are boring! I did not see last years and so far not this years either although I think a sister is getting one for me.
They told me at Bethel that they changed to the smaller size so they can be printed on the web presses which are much faster than the sheet fed presses. Of course it saves money too!
I agree they are very boring. i guess they figure most of us will also get a regular calander so that can be our "Theocratic" calander with the IMPORTANT dates on it- FS every Saturday( Yep! Don't forget- we'll remind you!) And the bible reading and date for memorial.
I never liked that it was 2 months at a time either.
No, but I did find some irony in one some years ago (2008? 2009?) with a photo paying homage to C. T. Russell. Go ahead and look at the picture, but don't read his books!
Wasanelder Once
Nope, they didn't include any useful information such as the holidays and such. Crap they were.
They were a handy place to record my dr.'s appointments, etc. I came across the one I used the year my son was born. 1984. It's in a box of mementos I have kept from his pregnancy and birth. You can see it back there behind me on the pantry door. I was about to leave for the hospital to have my baby, so this is May 14, 1984 about 5:30 in the morning. Thank goodness that baby is not a jw now.
ooohhhh soooo sweet flying high now! Thanks for sharing that pic!