F-F, that is a brilliant solution!
They tried to shift over to creation and a creator- I said watch this- I bent over and picked one blade of grass- I asked them what are the odds of all the blades of grass in the world, that I would select just this one blade? The younger brother said- trillions of trillions- so I told him that maybe the odds in favor of evolution aren't impossible either
I did mention 1975 and they gave me the standard answer- a few brothers were over zealous about looking to a date.
I haven't heard any of those arguments before but I havent been out very long.
Over time, you do pick up these facts. A professor who lead the Greenland GRIP project told me about the Arctic sediment cores, when I called and talked to him about his ice core research back in 1994. Yes, these scientists will often explain their work to someone who calls and has interest in their work. The caves in France
here is part of a discussion I had a couple years ago on another forum, about the Cave paintings- it is an arguement that catches all pro-Flood people by surprise, -
Hello Moshe. Yes, those cave paintings were done by modern humans descended from Noah and his family after the flood. This article puts cavemen into context.
And yes, these animals were descended from animals that came off Noah's Ark in the Middle East after the Flood. This article deals with some of the logistics of Noah's Ark.
We are not "reinventing" the facts. We agree with all that is observed, such as the existence of the cave paintings, the remains of the animals, the evidence for ice cover. We are reinterpreting the facts. And note that the dates you see quoted are not facts. All dates are chosen to fit within the long-age secular worldview. Did you read the article The fatal flaw in radioactive dating?
You mentioned "religious needs" but do not seem to realize that the secular worldview is a "religious" worldview. It starts with beliefs about the nature of God, what He does, the nature of man, etc. So your statement, "they stop at nothing to reinvent the facts to fit their religious needs" could be equally applied to the secular worldview. We need to acknowledge that these are two competing worldviews. See Evolution & creation, science & religion, facts & bias.
I'm encouraged because your questions show that you are applying the biblical worldview. Most people think it is ridiculous when they first encounter it but as you investigate you will see that the worldview makes sense.
My reply-
--Your caveman story has nothing to to with these French cave paintings- you are acting like a Jehovah's Witness, now.
At least you see that the cave paintings would have been washed away by Noah's flood, so they would to have been done after the flood. Now you just have to use miracles to explain how extinct animals were in those paintings. Lets, see- A regular rhino came off the Ark, then in a few years when they the migrated to the brand new ice age regions where food was scare and life was harsh, they grew long furry coats almost overnight and became a separate sub-species, too. Cave bears and Cave lions? No problemo- same thing for them, I guess. See how easy it is to explain away unpleasant paintings of wholly mammoths and other extinct ice-age animals? They can't be 20,000 years old, no way- Because Jesus is God and truthful,too, because he told us so, almost 2000 years ago.
Ice cores 100,000 years old-Nah-sediment cores 20,000 years old- nah- all, flawed science. But, hey, I love those scientists that created those miracle drugs who keep us alive, just not the ones who contradict the Bible.
I gave up- science is always flawed when the outcome is predetermined and you can reinterpret the facts to suit your needs.