CO will sit in on my "study" this week: any suggestions?

by InterestedOne 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthlover

    simply ask why the anointed is going up - this year 11,202 -- no decrease even tho the articles in the past say there has been decreases

    They are NOT replacements -- otherwise the numbers would stay the same and start to decrease as people died off..... we were led to always believe the numbers would get less and less as the end of the system got closer -well, they say its around the corner, but the anointed are getting larger in number, no smaller..

    Much like Moshe' explanation

  • InterestedOne

    I have no illusions that I will change the conductor or the CO. However, I want to be able to say to my friend that I understand what her org says, have asked questions of its representatives, listened to their responses, and can say specifically why their responses are not satisfactory to me. She may not change, but I want to at least be able to clearly explain to her why I think her org is not as sensible as she thinks it is.

  • thetrueone

    The WTS. tactics of culling members and getting money out of people among other things are easily described as tactics of coercive fear,

    which cultivates power and money toward the Watchtower Corporation..

    Join the WT organization and do everything we tell you to do or die and miss out on eternal Paradise. Thats it in a nut shell.

    Every talk you'll hear on a podium or at a personal study by a CO or any JW will carry the same premise.

    If you start to purpose personal doubts, they will quickly retort that mankind has little time left, therefore your decision of joining is very

    important to your survival. There's working corruption at the core of this organization you just have to look a little deeper at it's center.

    Remember its a publishing house, which gains its financial support by the sales and distribution of its literature.

    So if you think your going to get truthful bible interpretation from these guys your out of luck.

  • whatistruth

    Just be yourself. In life you are probably way more qualified than he will ever be. Be surprised if he even graduated high school. The intimidation factor is brought on my R&F, publications and themselves. If they left their precious position there isn't a corporation in the world that would hire based soley on their merits. They do not qualify to succeed in the real world.

  • GOrwell

    For Paragraph 22 and the physical resurrection of Jesus, you could look up John 2:18-23 and Luke 24:38, 39 with them and ask them to reconcile the idea of a spiritual body versus a physical body resurrection. Fun times!

  • sleepingbeauty
    I have no illusions that I will change the conductor or the CO. However, I want to be able to say to my friend that I understand what her org says, have asked questions of its representatives, listened to their responses, and can say specifically why their responses are not satisfactory to me. She may not change, but I want to at least be able to clearly explain to her why I think her org is not as sensible as she thinks it is.

    The second you get to the point of trying to explain to your friend the reasons as to why you think her org is not sensible she will INSTANTLY shun you. She will consider you Bad Association and will avoid you like the plague. Unfortunate as it is, in your desire to get to know her better, you will actually cause a GREAT big division between you, and all your efforts will have come to nothing. She is programmed to react like this. Also noteworthy is that the moment you cut ties with your study conductor, he will feel duty bound to contact her so as to explain what has happened & that your study has been terminated... You are in a no win situation. :(

    • If you learn too much and back out of your studies she will get to know & shun you.
    • Learn not enough and she will still steer clear of you because your not a JW.
    • Talk to her about anything you think is wrong and you in her mind will be declared Apostate..

    Your in an awkward position ... :0


    I forgot there are no more book studys..This is a private Bible Study..

    Your not a JW book study conducter..LOL!!..

    You could ask..

    If this is a Bible Study..Why are we studying WBT$ Literature,instead of the Bible?..

    If Jehovah`s Witness`s are Christians..Why is the WBT$ mediator for everyone,except the 144,000 and not Jesus?..

    Who gave the WBT$ the Authority to Fire Jesus?..

    You have nothing to lose..Your not a JW..

    "Rock the Boat!"..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • mouthy

    Could you ask how they explain that Jesus came invisably in 1914...for me please
    And why they chuck people out who tell the truth & say they couldnt believe it...

    If it goes to an answer. explain that you understand those who had family who "confessed'

    to not believing it. They ordered the family never to speak to them again

  • InterestedOne

    GOrwell wrote:

    For Paragraph 22 and the physical resurrection of Jesus, you could look up John 2:18-23 and Luke 24:38, 39 with them

    We had this discussion, and it was very revealing about how they will attempt to justify anything. I also pointed out John 10:17. Here is how it went:

    John 10:17 - Since we had just learned that soul means human or animal life, it looked to me like Jesus was saying he would receive his human life back again. The conductor said Jesus was talking to Pharisees, so he wasn't telling them the full meaning of his statement. Supposedly, Jesus would later explain the meaning to his disciples more thoroughly, and that's how you get things like 1 Pet 3:18 or 1 Cor 15:45.

    John 2:18-23 - Same explanation as above.

    Luke 24:38,39 - According to my conductor, because you cannot see spirit creatures, they must take the form of human bodies to become visible. In that sense, the body the disciples saw was not a spirit. It was a real human body used by the spirit creature, Jesus, to show them that he was alive.

    I think their explanations are lame, but I decided not to argue the point further and just move on.

  • Jim_TX
    Jim_TX someone else suggested - cancel the study.

    Only... I would recommend... you let them know that you have decided to become a Mormon instead of a JW. Mormon's promote education. Plus, they wear cool undies.


    Jim TX (tongue-firmly-planted-in-cheek)

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