I think this is a very sad thing to happen in this country. The fact though, that they say this person was doing it for political reasons and frustration. Is a sign of what this world has become in an Internet society. Everyone used to be happy with a listening ear, a kind thought or a sound wall to their views. Most of the time this was a small group or family. Now, with the Internet to feed those who think they matter so much. It has brought in the age in which everyone not only thinks they should be heard, but believed and followed.
Because of this, it is starting to become more and more common for people to vent in ways that seem violent and extreme. Threats, hate, and worse are not a common part of this world. Just listen to me, is now, just believe me and frankly ... most people are full of crap or phoney. So what does that lead to in the future, more shootings, more violence.
Personally, I have seen anger in this country sky rocket in the last couple years and expect more of these attacks in the future with those who hold office. Pretty sad, isn't it? That the public office has become so exposed, that rather then respect it for what it represents. We now have people attacking individuals who serve it.
Will our children ever know a world that is free of loud blow hards who think what they say matters? I doubt it, as there is always a new site coming up and a new place to act like know it all. Just hope, people will learn to not be so extreme in realizing their place in this life is not as important as their sick mind thinks.
So sad!