Hi Stillin,
Nice to meat you! In answer to your question, "Yes", I always felt that I had a relationship with him. I never doubted for a moment that he could not help me. I pray to him continually thru the day, because he says that he loves those that have affection for him.
He also disciplines those he loves by making them see that he wants the worship and love. Because of it, I am out of the organization, and spending my time only with the Bible. I certainly feel better knowing that I don't have any constraints put on my mind. That makes Jehovah happy, and he makes life more bearable for me, and many good rewards along the way.
Please understand this very important point that I am going to make: Many people have decided to shove Jehovah to the side because of their feelings and emotions that have resulted from the over burdensome rules and regulations of men. It has caused some to become agnostic or even an athiest. It was never Jehovahs fault, he never changed in his love, it has always been there.
Until the next time,
Sincerely, Truth and Justice