On Friday morning, sometime before noon, my former son-in-law [for lack of better term, for he and my daughter were never married], father and custodial parent of my middle granddaughter, was found dead of an overdose of pain-medication. Perhaps Oxycontin, though I am unsure of the specific drug at the moment.
He was enduring pain from an accident with his moped [yes, he was lifetime license removed for drinking] that occurred a year or so back. His shoulder was injured and he had a surgery scheduled soon. He apparently took too much, or too often [perhaps due to drowsiness]. The neighbor found him dead. Thank goodness it was not his 9 year old daughter that found him.
It fell to us to inform our daughter, who is serving a prison sentence due to illegal drugs. She is upset, but we can't be there for her. My granddaughter may indeed end up in our custody again now, she is nine years old. Though her father was a cad, mooch, and lazy - she of course does not, nor ever will she see him that way. To her it was 'Daddy', and she worshiped him. It is a sad moment here. She is with other relatives, but it is likely she will join her other siblings here in my home before long. She had lived here for many years before he gained custody by hook and crook. The court will decide of course, but the options are few.
I hope we can help apply balm to her wounds over time.