The Aflockalypse

by brotherdan 18 Replies latest social current

  • brotherdan

    I haven't seen anyone talk about the bird deaths that have happened in Arkansas and California. My wife brought this up last night in a way that made me think that she thought there was something apocalypse-ish about it. I told her that mass dyings happen all the time, but are usually unreported.

    What do you guys think could be the cause?

  • brotherdan
  • undercover
  • brotherdan





  • purplesofa

    I live 4.9 miles from where the birds fell out of the sky in Arkansas.

    Enjoyed the SNL skit, have it posted to my FB page.

    I have not heard much talk about the birds lately since we got all this snow.


    Here are some interesting links: Radar shows activity at the time the birds fell from sky.

    http://arkansasweather.blo -mystery.html

    This guy blames it on HAARP and predicts an earthqauke for our area soon. ch?v=muyu4aucZDM

  • agonus

    Angels don't play that HAARP...

  • agonus

    An end-times message endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Llama

  • purplesofa

    National Wildlife Health Center determines cause of blackbird death

    The blackbirds that fell out of the sky on New Year's Eve in Arkansas were brought to the National Wildlife Health Center lab in Madison, Wisconsin. After examining the bodies, officials say they've determined a cause of death.

    The cause of attention to the blackbird die-off was good timing. At midnight on New Year's Eve, starting the countdown to the fateful year of 2012, a town in Arkansas sees birds fall out of the sky. It sounds like the opening to a decent horror movie, in which the hero is the only one who can connect all the fateful events and sees the horrific outcome.

    The cause of the actual death was much more prosaic.

    The birds died from blunt force trauma. After their deaths, they were gathered up and sent to the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Employees there found bruises on their bodies and not much else. The lab was not impressed with the timing of the event, since its researchers analyze as many as 500 mass die-offs per year. The fact that the birds showed bruises, that they were the only species that was part of the die-off, and the timing determined the death.

    Scott Wright, the chief of disease investigations explains, that firecrackers would have set the birds out at night, flyinng blind.

    It's believed that the noise startled them-they are poor night fliers-and they were in close proximity to neighborhoods, and they flew into homes and cars. They died of impact force to their bodies.

    They believe the mass death of fish in a river elsewhere in Arkansas is unrelated.

  • agonus

    My mom mentioned this the other day... no doubt the dubs are "whetting their beaks" for such stories

  • brotherdan

    It is interesting that the fish and birds died at the same time though. Although how this fortells any sort of Apocalypse makes no sense...

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