I remember watching the late Dr. Gene Scott on TV back a few years ago. When I was bored, I'd grab a beer and some nuts and start flipping through the channels late at night to find him. He was always somewhere on the TV box. He always put on a good show.
One night he started "teaching" his flock about the Great Pyramid of Giza. I could have sworn he had a copy of C.T. Russell's "Studies in the Scriptures" sitting on the table next to him. He rambled on about the length of each hallway and access point in the Pyramid - often reading right from the book next to him. I swear it was SitS! Then he'd get up and go to his invisible blackboard and start drawing unintelligible scribbles and talking gibberish the whole time. His followers, sitting in the audience were all taking notes and drinking the kool-aid. Occasional applause would arise as he'd make some ridiculous assertion.
The whole thing reminded me of a small circuit assembly listening to the DO read off one of the latest talks from the GB. Only Scott was far more interesting and entertaining. When he was done, he'd put his sunglasses back on, sit down in his chair, light up his cigar and order his band to play the same song over and over again until a certain amount of donation money showed up on the tote board located in the corner of the screen. The 800 numbers were always on, throughout the whole performance.
I think Scott was really channeling guys like Russell and Rutherford. The "great bearded teacher" who took shit from nobody. His flock kept growing (thanks to his daily shows constantly on both regular TV and satellite). He was in trouble with the FCC so many times I lost count. Did he try to hide anything? Nope. Paraded his show horses and his equestrian daughter on videos that ran whenever he took a break. Didn't care if you believed him or not as long as you called in more money with your credit card.
I think that is the direction that the GB is heading. "Hey. This is what we teach. You will believe it or your out! In? You do what we say - to the letter and send us money. Out? Fine. You lose your family and we keep 'em. Years of tears for you, buddy!"
I really see that as the direction the WT will go toward. Unfortunately, they still won't be as entertaining as Gene Scott. He was playing the fool. They take themselves too seriously.