Just found these figures for the UK Circut Assembly Halls and my jaw dropped when I saw how much money they all have in the bank!!
Here are some stats from the UK, we’ll start off with some of the UK assembly halls.
The Surrey Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses is sitting with just under a cool £4 million in the bank. Think of all the mouths that could feed and homes it could build.
The Dudley Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses seems a little poor by comparison, only having £1,897,277 of liquid cash assets.
Bristol Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses fairs a much better. The Watch Tower Society of Great Britain must be proud. £3,977,491 in the bank. Cold, hard cash. I wonder how many schools could be improved dramatically with that sort of dough.
Wow, well done East Pennine Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses! Our wealthiest so far with £6,359,630 in the bank.
Ah. That’s a shame. Bit embarrassing for the Manchester Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Whisper it; less than a mill in the bank. Maybe they can tap up East Pennine…
Ok, let’s tot that up.
I make it £16,963,522. Cash. In the bank.
Now, that in now way represents a fraction of the wealth of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. Not even close. After all, the UK has a population of roughly 62 million. What about the combined wealth of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society’s representative charity organisations in Italy, Germany, Spain, France, etc etc?
If 5 of the UK’s assembly halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses have a combined cash wealth of almost £17 million, then how much is the WTBTS worth in Europe in total? It could be staggering!
Next time around we’ll look at the cash flow of the IBSA* (International Bible Students Association) here in the UK along with the wealth, both in cash, assets and investments, of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Great Britain (charity number 1077961).
*International Bible Students Association is a corporate not-for-profit organization used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United Kingdom. Some Jehovah’s Witnesses publications cite this corporation as publisher or co-publisher. [citation needed] It was founded in 1914 as a corporation of the Bible Students by Charles Taze Russell in London, England, and was the first legal corporation representing Russell’s ministry in Europe. Along with their Pennsylvania and New York based corporations, Watch Tower publications since 1914 have stated: “All three of these corporations were organized for identical purposes and they harmoniously work together.” [21] Later corporations, such as in Canada, were similarly named. The name continues to be used for corporate entities (for example, in East Africa), but in 1931 the religion formally changed its name worldwide from International Bible Students Association to Jehovah’s witnesses.
- How Does the WTBTS Use Assembly Halls to Generate Income? (0)
- Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Worship the Organisation? (1)
- The Governing Body’s Policies Are to Blame, says Judge (4)
Tagged as: benjamin franklins, ibsa, london, money, obscene, riches, ridgeway, united kingdom, watch tower, wealth
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Mike Felker December 23, 2010 at 1:18 am
I wonder if the early church under the direction of the apostles would have had this much money stashed away if they hadn’t been under persecution? My gut tells me probably not.
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