Almost 4 years ago I aux. pioneered for 5 months straight and had to get 50 hours a month. I made SURE that I got ALL 50 hours in each month. This was a signed promise to Jehovah that I took very seriously. Why bother committing to it if I was not going to make it?
I hated it when they read my name of each month that I signed up for. I did not want to be praised for something that I was doing out of my love for Jehovah.....NOT to be recognized by the congregation. I was told that if I just checked the little box to regular aux. each month that they would no longer announce it from the stage each month. BUT I did not want to commit to something that I was not sure I could follow through with. It was hard enough filling out that form each month as it was.
Fast forward 1 year and I signed up again for 1 month this time. I ended up sick, had a death in the family that I had to contend with and barely made 30 hours. I was SO upset and disappointed in myself for not following through with my committment that I never signed up again. After that I had a hard time even making my 10 hours in each month.
30 hours in the month of April sounds like they are trying to recruit MORE to sign up by decreasing the hours and making it more doable for some who may not sign up otherwise. What ever works, I guess.