Awake 2010 claims Canadian University can't find young men who haven't seen Porn....Witnesses?

by Witness 007 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Snoozy

    Grandma Jones, the witness women used to gather in the other room while the hubby's were in another room and they would giggle and talk about their hubby's chasing them around the house when the kids were in school..even about how the "Did it" on the kitchen table and the little bows they would tie in various "Hot spots" .....

    Anyway, why would someone laugh when considering that some never saw porn..I didn't until I was in my 40's and didn't miss a thing..still have no need for it an dnever did. Even when younger.

    So don't "Assume" that everyone sees or even silently enjoys porn..

    Some of us are actually normal....


    Oops, you said "Men" didn't you....

  • thetrueone

    Awake 2010 p.13 "Canadian researchers want to find out the effects of Pornography on men. - "We started our research seeking men in their twenties who had never consumed pornography, but we couldn't find any." University of Montreal Canada...."

    Sounds like bullshit not necessarily by the WTS but from this reported research itself.

    How did they do this research, was it a random question posed to part of the student body ?

    The WTS typically extrapolates information selectively to push their bias agenda.

    Being that most students have used computers probably since their childhood the likelihood of them coming across pornography is highly likely.

  • Snoozy

    thetrueone, it said they "Consumed' porno.. Wouldn't that be more than just casually running into it on the computer?

    I have to agree about the research though..I never do go along with polls/research. They can't possibly be a full mixture of people.

    Like on some of those game shows, they say "We questioned/polled a group of 100 women" and yet when they ask a man the same question for a average answer they forget it was originally asked of women and the answer would be based on a women's point of view. The guy will probably get the answer wrong.

    Polls and research can be swayed one way or another quite often by having the right group for your questions..


  • therevealer

    thetrueone - looks like you are bang on. They took the part that they wanted.

    Notice how they didn't mention the part about it not creating a problem.

  • skeeter1

    Bethel writers MISQUOTED????? Surely, it was just 1 bad writer..... NOT. Modus Operandi for the Writing Department - twist, twist, twist.

    THis quote makes college look like a place of depravity.

    But, where is the real depravity? How many elders, brothers, and sisters have tortured, beat, or raped others, including children? How many times has Bethel underplayed the pervert? How many brothers and elders have NEVER seen porn?

  • undercover

    Leaving aside the misquoting/misapplication...

    Remember, the WTS considers anything that arouses or titilates (heh heh, he said tit) as pornography. This would include (according to the WTS) billboards, women's catalogs, TV commercials, etc. In that context, one would be hard pressed to find anyone who has not seen pornography.

  • thetrueone

    This is just another case of manipulative exploitation of information that the WTS. has in the past , done so proficiently to

    support their evil END TIME dogma. Something that usually would pasted on the front page of the AWAKE magazine with

    the intension of attracting the publics attention.

    The WTS is quite calculating disingenuous in presenting information, as its mostly presented biased in support of their own agenda.

    The WTS is a publishing house even if it does cover itself with religious virtue.

  • PSacramento

    If by porn they mean nude pictures or video/TV, then I believe that one would be VERY hard pressed to find anyone over 13 that hasn't seen a nude pic or some nude scene on TV ot video.

    If by Porn they mean explicit sexuality then I would think the the numbers would be different, though probably not by much.

  • skeeter1

    Undercover - don't forget the evils of "Three's Company", "Love Boat", and "Fantasy Island". Ow-la-la!


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